3- Double Agent

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The term 'double agent' is an employee of a secret intelligence service, whose main focus is to spy on a different target organization, than the one they were already in. Me? No, I'm not a double agent, well kind of. I've been to the S.H.I.E.L.D Academy before, but I was never a double agent, nor was I a student there. I was brought there by Hawkeye, the archer thought I could be some help. He was a retired, for a short time afterword, until he found out about Cap and Tony's war. He knew about me from an unknown source. It was classified. Not relevant at all, just background information, that doesn't really matter now.

Now, I feel like a double agent. The reason: I'm a person leading a double life, a hero and a high school student.

I'm with Peter on the way to his house, or apartment. No. We're just friends. I try to tell myself that anyway.

I follow him down the hall, after the long train ride. He pulls out a set of keys and opens the door. I walk in behind Peter. I pause, and look at the woman sitting on the couch, in the living space. The woman, whom I'm guessing is Peter's Aunt May, looks about thirty-five. Her blue eyes gleam, as she gets up.

"You must be Fiona," she smiles kindly. "I'm Peter's aunt. You can call me May."

"Hi," I grin, as I shake her hand.

Aunt May looks at Peter, her smile falters as she sees his bruise. "Peter, what happened?"

"Its nothing Aunt May," Peter said. "Fiona stopped the guy who was picking on me. Its just a slight contusion."

"Oh," Aunt May looks at me. "Thank you, Fiona. Peter needs some help standing up to the bullies at school."

"It was no problem. I like helping my friends," I simper.

There was awkward silence between all of us. Peter starts to speak, "Um, Fiona and I are going to study for the algebra quiz tomorrow."

"Really?" Aunt May's smile comes back. "Well, you picked the best studying buddy. Because Peter got accepted by Tony Stark...for what was it again, Peter?" 


"Right. Tony Stark picked the best," she ruffles Peter's hair.

"Yep... He picked the best..." Peter doesn't sound as cheerful as he should. "Right, we should get to homework. Mr. Warren is a nice teacher, but he gives a whole lot of homework."

"Don't forget we got the mixture and compound assignment," I remind Peter.

"I thought that was classwork," Peter frowns.

"It is. But it'd be great if we could plan it out, and brainstorm a little."

"Well, sounds like you two have a lot of work to do," Aunt May said, as she walks into the kitchen. She grabs the remote for the TV on the counter, and turns on the television.

I follow Peter to another room, which I'm pretty sure is his bedroom. Before he closes the door, just a bit,  I hear Aunt May talking to herself about the news.

"Wow, half the Avengers escaped custody? How could the government miss that?" Aunt May says form the other room.

I notice that Peter heard her too, by the way he tensed up. "You okay?" I ask him.

"What? Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Why would...?"

"You seemed somewhat startled, when May said 'half the Avengers escaped from custody'. Is it because you work for Stark?"

"...I don't work for Mr. Stark. I got an accepted application from him."

I decide not to question him more, and open my backpack. "Do you want to start with algebra first, or science?" I change the subject.

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now