11- Playing With Fire

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A/N: [Continued From The Last Part]

I chase after the guy with the knife. I really hope Peter brought that man whom got cut by the weapon to an ambulance or something, rather than trying to help me.

I launch myself at the armed man, and slam him into the ground. I open my hand, and hold up a ball of energy. "You've done enough for today," I clench my teeth together.

To my surprise, the guy has quicker reflexes than I thought. I miss his arm by a hair, as he grabs a lock of my hair. I snarl, and knee him in the stomach.

You got skills, use them, I thought fiercely. I use my enhanced reflexes to twist his arm back, in a single blurred movement. I whip out my leg, and kick him in the kneecap, which is as high as I can kick without a quick stretching session. His knee buckles, and I hit him with the bottom part of my palm to his nose. The guy's nose starts to bleed, as he's flung back by my sudden motion.

I have this strange feeling someone's behind me. I turn around a few seconds later than planned, and get greeted by a punch to the side of my head.

There was a second thug waiting, and I had a bad reaction time. The swing to my head, hits me right on the side of my occipital lobe; which it located towards the back on the skull. I crumble, and fight to stay conscious.

I'm not totally indestructible, and a blow like that is starting to take a toll.

"Come on man, lets go," the other criminal says, to the one I licked (hit) a few times.

I try to get to my feet. Fight it, you useless piece of crap, I think wildly. I stagger a little, and shakily rise to my feet.

"Nah," the guy, I beat a little bit, growls. He eyes me with a mixture of hatred and anger. "I get to finish her off."

He marches right over and punches me again in the same place, and I flop back over. His comrade, tucks at his arm, as the thug with the nosebleed looks woozily at me. Nosebleed definitely isn't in shape for giving me the beat down he wanted.

"Come on, the boss needs a stat update, and you need to get cleaned up, man." The thugs walk off, one limping, and the other cautiously leading him away.

My head is pounding, and my mind is reeling from the possible brain damage that I might have now. Next time, I think I need to bring a vibranium helmet.

I hear footsteps race over to me. By then, I'm on the brink of passing out. I can really keep track of what's happening, as I fade in and out of consciousness.

"Fiona, you okay? Fiona!"

My vision's all blurry and my eyes roll back into my head, as I attempt to keep them open.

I'm vaguely aware of Peter scooping me up into his arms, by the time I'm out like a light.


I slowly open my eyes, and realize I'm not in a hospital bed. I'm laying on someone's couch, that is not my own, in their apartment. I have no idea where I am, which is not I feeling I enjoy much.

I can see, out of the corner of my eye, Peter sitting nearby. He sits up straighter once he sees that I'm awake.

"Hey," I rasp, smiling faintly.

"Glad to see that you're alright," he says. I notice that he's not in his Spider-Man suit.

Then I realize that my mask has been removed, and to my relief my suit is still on.

Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now