25- Friends and Foes

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In a world of enemies there are always allies and friends. Just like in a place where there is darkness there can always be light.

I am sitting with Peter on a water tower. I stare down at the city below, as the wind blows in my face.
"What did your cousin talk to you about?" Peter asks.

"Family stuff, and a trip she's going on." I didn't want to talk about how Beth had noticed Peter was looking at me during the meeting, or what mission she was signed up for. I also did not want to go into further detail about how some of Damage Control was interested in drugging me to get to Tony.

"Okay," he answers without asking anymore questions.

"Do you have any cousins?" I ask him.

"Not that I know of. My dad only had Uncle Ben as a brother, and my mom didn't talk about her family too often. Aunt May is the only family I ever known really."

"Oh..." I feel bad for Peter. If I hadn't had Beth as my cousin, I wouldn't know who'd help me out. She's like my big sister.

"But that's okay," Peter says smiling. "I've got you, Ned, and Mr. Stark, I think. You're the one who understands me on the same level."

I nod, and brush a strand of my brown hair from my face. "If you were to change something about your life what would it be?"

Peter remains silent for a few minutes, then he says, "nothing."

"Not even your foes? Your enemies?" I still don't look at him.

"Nope. I wish I could but that isn't too realistic, is it?"

"I guess not." I sit there, and watch a group of birds fly overhead.
My phone begins to buzz, I pull it out of my belt. "Its June. I've got to meet her outside Shwarma."

"Okay. I, uh, I guess I'll see you around."

I feel bad leaving Peter by himself. "If you want you can come."

"I don't think June will like me there, go ahead. I'll let you know if anything comes up."

"You're sure?"

"Yes, Fiona. Go and meet up with June, I can handle this."

I grin, "see you around then."

I jog up to June, avoiding the busy street, "sorry, I hurried as fast as I could."
"Its fine," June said.
"Your mom didn't want to come? There are lots of sketchy people out here, it wouldn't be wise to go without an--"
"You worry too much. And if we get into any trouble, Intensity will get us out."
"Uuh," I give her a blank look.
"What? You don't think she will?"
"Um, I guess she will," I answer uneasily.
"Walk with me," she says, tugging me with her.
I jam my hands into my pockets, and keep up with her strides.

"Do you know what my superhero name would be if I were one?" June asks randomly.
"It'd have to be something that has to do with cats. Because, you know, I'm agile like one."
"A gymnast. Yeah," I reply.

"I would've brought us something at Shwarma, but I don't have cash on me."
I laugh a little, "That is quite okay."
"Its great your feeling better."
"What do ya mean?"
"You seemed depressed earlier."
"Well, I do get depression. But that's not important." I fidget with my jacket collar. "Um, so what have you been up to?"
"Visiting dad. Mom thought it would be a good idea if I spent time with him. She said he's still a good guy, but... I don't know. Dad's kind of distant, I mean, that was why him and mom spilt after his accident. He just..." June sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm ruining your mood. You're actually happier than you were before."
"What are you talking about?" I hip-bump her, with a smirk. "I'm happy."

June grins, "I'm glad you're here. I really need to stay in touch with our friends from Hartford."
  "We'll see them again. You kidding me? They are mostly the only friends I have. So we've got to see them." I smile.
"Not during school."
"No, of course not. Why would you get out of class to see people?" Then I remember that
that was exactly what I did. On account of what Tony called the 'Iron Man Bailed Me Out Policy'. Which kind of made me a hypocrite.

"Yeah," June replies, then she pauses. "Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" I stop walking, and glance around.

A creaking sound comes from above. I bring my eyes up. There's a platform that workers use to work on an clean windows with.
I only realize that its about to fall, until I see the wires holding it up snap.

My superhero personality takes over, and I shove June out of the way.
"Fiona!" she shouts, as the metal platform is about to come down on my head.

Not having my suit to disguise my identity, meaning I can't use my superpowers in public, or shield myself with the vibranium,  brace for impact.

But the platform stops, because someone caught it.

I look at the person who's holding the hazardous object.
Its Spider-Man, obviously.

I stare at him for a moment, before June pulls me out from under the platform.
"What did you think you were doing?" June asks me, loosening her grip on my wrist. Which for someone without super strength, she might as well had snapped my wrist clean off.

"Saving you from a life threatening object," I answer, prying my hand away.
"So you'd get flattened out by that thing?" she raises her dark blond eyebrows. "What if someone hadn't--"
"Someone did save her," Peter responds, placing the platform on the ground.
June ignores him entirely.

"What if no one saved you? What if you died?"
"I didn't," I told her. "Plus, you shouldn't ask 'what if' questions. Its not good for your mental state."
"I don't care right now," she turns to Spider-Man. "And what do you care about ci--"
"June, I think its best we leave," I cut her off. I've heard several people begin a hate spiel with those words to superheroes. It had never ended well.

Peter must have known what the rest of her question was, because he said, "I don't want to anymore people die." He pauses. "Besides, no one wants a squashed friend."
I stifle a laugh and simper. "Thanks Spidey."
"No problem."

June flicks her eyes from him to me, then back to him. "We have to go. Come on, Fiona."
She leads me away, and I try not to look back.

Its almost evening, and the lights on my neighborhood street start glow under the nearly setting sun.
I have my hood over my head, and walk back to my house from a few hours of crime fighting.

Then footsteps come up behind me. I whirl around ready to punch the person in the face. I stop once I realize its Peter.

"Squaring up?" he asks with a grin.
I glance down at my clenched fists, "yeah. Mom says bad people come out at this time."
"May tells me that too. Guessing you're going home, right?"
"Yep. Want to come?"
"To your house?"
"For a short time. I'm assuming your Aunt May won't like you going back to your apartment too late," I match his pace.
"You're right on that one. She worries, then freaks out, and when she freaks out I freak out."
"Sounds like a reasonable response from you."
"What does that mean?" he playfully takes my hood off.
I give him a look, before slowly pulling my hood back on. "Just sounds like a Peter Parker thing to say. Also, don't touch my hood."

" 'Kay sorry... You know, that sounds like a catchphrase."
"What? Don't touch my hood?"
"Well, to be fair, Coulson has this vintage car he calls Lola. He always tells everyone 'don't touch Lola'." I giggle to myself. "That has to be one of the funnier catchphrases."

"I wonder if Mr. Stark has a catchphrase."
"He has thousands of them, I'm sure. Plus he names his suits, like all of them."
We walk into my driveway.
"Does he use them all?"
"Sometimes. He may need them to stop Damage Control though." I open the door. "Hey Mom, I'm home. I've got to go in a few minutes, I've got to bring someone back to their house."
"You don't have to," Peter mutters.

"Dad had to go and fight a fire again," my little brother Ethan reports. He's sitting on the carpet, in the living room playing with his toys.
"That's nothing new," I mumble.
Ethan looks up, "who's that?"
"This is my friend, Peter," I introduce them.

Ethan eyes Peter, like he might pose a threat or something. "Hi," he says.
"Hello," Peter said with a small grin.
I walk over to my gym bag, look through it. As I rummage through my stuff, I can hear Ethan and Peter start a conversation.

"So you like Spider-Man?" Peter asks, gesturing to the action figure next to the Iron Man toy.
"Yeah, he's cool. He saved me from a crane."
"Wow," Peter says.
I smile, still with my back turned.
"What about Intensity?" Peter questions.
"She's okay I guess," Ethan shrugs.
I roll my eyes. That's exactly like what I expected from him.
"You're my sister's friend?" Ethan asks.
"Just  her friend?" My little brother presses on.
"Uh, sure."

I shift from foot to foot uneasily. Peter did not sound confident about that answer.
"How old are you?" Ethan interrogates.
"Fiona's going to turn sixteen soon."
I pull the strings on my bag, and place it on my shoulders. "Ethan Jamie, stop asking so many questions. You're just as bad as Dad."
Ethan sticks his tongue out at me.

"Ready to go?" I glance at Peter.
"Yeah, sure."

Author's Note:
Wow. That had almost little to no real plot. I need better ideas.
Soo anyway, I was listening to The Vamps, and I thought that the song 'Somebody To You' could be "Fiona's and Peter's song" for this story. (I put that in quotes for specific reasons). 'Cause teenager stuff.

Before I forget, not relevant, but I have this Black Widow story that I am working on. I will post more of it, once someone actually wants to make me a trailer, but so far that is a no go. Or I could just post it without the trailer, but no one gets a lot of views without one.
I'll figure out something.

Once again, I have ran out of things to say. Before I had ideas and now they're gone. Okay, that is my cue to go. Byeeeeee!
              ~ SHIELD-Avenger

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