22- What We Believe

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"So," June leans against the island of her kitchen. "You look like you didn't sleep well."

"I've been worrying about a test," I lie.

"And?" June shovels eggs into her mouth.

"And what?" I pull my hair into a ponytail.

"You've been acting weird. Like Chitauri weird."

"June, that's not a nice thing to tell your friend," her mom says, wiping her hands on a towel.

"Well she is," June grumbles. "Ever since Homecoming, you've been even more tired than you usually are. You come in with a bruise or something almost every week. What is wrong with you?"
June's mom gives her another look. But June doesn't seem to notice it. Either that, or she ignored it.

"I've been busy. Ya know, with--" I adjust my denim jacket, "--school."

"I'm going to do laundry," June's mom informs us. "If you need anything else, just holler."

"Okay," June replies. When her parent's out of sight, she stares me down.
"No, its not just school, Fiona. You can't pull a bag over my eyes, or whatever that phrase is. You have more stuff going on than you let on. Its Parker, isn't it?"

I nearly choke on my toast. "What? No. That is ridiculous."

"I saw you dancing with him. Give me a reason why I shouldn't assume you two are--"

"Stop. You're my best friend and all, but you need to stop. You don't need to question me."

"Okay then," June said, transitioning to another conversation. "Do you know what this is?" She holds up a comic book. Its about Intensity. "My little cousin likes reading this stuff. I looked through it, and..."

"Its a comic book. You've seen me read those before."

"I'm aware of that. But..." she flips to a random page. "Look."

I glance at the page, and my mouth comes open. Orange juice drips down the corner of my lips. "What in the world is that!?" I find myself looking at Intensity knocked out in Spider-Man's arms. "Who writes this?" I take the comic from her, and read the print. "Intensity, after being hit by the Green Goblin's death ray, is dying in her love's grip?" I read off, irritated. "What the-- WHAT? Who's Green Goblin? This is--"

"Calm down, its just a comic book. And you're about to rip the pages," June says, taking the comic back. "Green Goblin is only a character, and Intensity isn't really seeing Spider-Man. He's still single."

"I'm not worried about that," I mumble. "I don't care. Comic books are fake crap."

"Did those words seriously come out of your mouth?" June raises an eyebrow. "Before you used to live for those things."

"Its only what people believe, its not true," I mutter.

"How would you know? They're superheroes and we're, you know, powerless."

"Yep." I gaze down at my Captain America socks.

"Girls, the bus will be here at any minute," June's mom calls from the other room.

"Okay, Mom," June said. "We're leaving."

"Thank you, for letting me stay over," I call.

"No prob. Enjoy your school day."

June grabs her backpack, "yeah, right. Can't wait for my quiz," she says sarcastically.

I smirk, "race you to the bus."

"Flash cannot be any less annoying," Michelle mutters, with a slight note of anger.
"I wish there were an off button," June agrees.
I just sit there, on the bench next to them. I'm trying to mentally plot out a way to take out Vulture.
"What do you think Fiona?" Michelle asks.
"Flash Thompson. The kid with lots of money who likes to feed off of Peter's negative emotions. And, not to mention yours."
"Right... I guess I have other things to worry about other than bullies."
"Like what?"

"Hey Fiona," a voice calls. I look over my shoulder, and see Peter and Ned.
"I've got to go," I said, getting to my feet. "I'll see you guys later."
I walk over to the boys. "Hey."
"What did you get on your math test?" Ned asks.
"Uh...a D-," I reply. "I suck at math, and can never get anything right."
"You'll do better next time," Peter assures me. "We can tutor you, if you want?"
"We can?" Ned looks at him. Peter casts him a glance. "Um, sure we can."
"You'll be getting A pluses in no time," Peter tells me.
"Well, I don't know about that."

"Can't get a good grade on your quizzes Justice?" Flash's taunting voice comes from the right of us.
"I bet you aren't the brightest either," I comment.
Flash gives me the you-have-some-nerve look, "at least I actually have a brain."
Peter glares at Flash, with an anger I didn't even know existed inside him. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."
Flash shoots Peter a glance that says 'you're dead'. Then he walks away, looking almost defeated.
"Dude," Ned says, surprised. "You told him off!"
I flick my eyes over to Peter.  "Thanks."
Peter smiles sheepishly, "its no problem."

Its half past noon, and I'm walking out of my math class. I come to a complete halt, as roaring laughter fills the hallway.
Groups of students are cackling at none other than Peter.
He's standing there in an oversized t-shirt that says I Survived New York, with a cartoon school bus on it; along with pink Hello Kitty pajama bottoms.

I bite my tough, to keep myself from being tempted to laugh. I stare really hard to make sure this isn't me going crazy. Its not. Then I catch someone yelling, "hey Parker! You looking for these?" That someone is Flash.
I stomp forward through the crowd, and pull back my upper lip, giving him a snarl. "Hand the clothes over."
"What makes you think I got 'em, Justice? Did you spy on the boy's locker room?"
Most students laugh, but some stay quiet. June is one of them. That's why she's my best friend.
"You think I'm that stupid? You've got them behind your back." I put my hands on my hips.

Meanwhile, Peter's just standing there, embarrassed.
"Go suck a--"
"Hey!" June shouts, cutting him off. "No ones picks on my bestie but me."
"Wanna bet, Chance?"
"Stick a boot up your ass. Unless you want me to do that for you, dummy."
I walk forward, "I'm not going to say it again. Hand. The. Clothes. Over."
Flash glares at me, then drops the pile on the floor. "Take it."

He shoves his way through the departing groups of students.
June glances at me to Peter. She sighs, and moves away.
Peter goes and picks up his clothes laying on the floor. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I should get back into my normal clothes."
"Yeah," I smirk. "But what about gym?"
"What? Oh..."
"Why were you in the boy's locker room, if we haven't had gym yet?"
"Doing stuff."
I don't question him any further. I hope gym isn't too bad.

"I don't think I like this," I stare at the screen on the TV at gym class.
We're sitting on the bleachers, watching a...wait for it...Captain America fitness training video.

"Why?" Michelle asks. "I thought you like Captain America. Now you get to train like him."
I already do; but MJ doesn't know that.
In front of me, I can faintly hear Ned whisper to Peter, "do you know him too?"
"I stole his shield," Peter whispers back to his best friend.

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