17- Homecoming

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"So, you guys going to homecoming?" Liz sits down at the table with us, June, Michelle, and I

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"So, you guys going to homecoming?" Liz sits down at the table with us, June, Michelle, and I.

"I wish I didn't have to," June huffs. "My mom wants me to go. She said something about socializing, and she's forcing me."

"Same," Michelle says. "What about you, Fiona? Did you get forced into going?"

"Yeah," I mutter. I'm distracted by my thoughts. Thinking back to when Peter and I climbed the Empire State Building.

"Well, this has a jammed packed first and second month," June said. "Getting held hostage, being saved by Intensity and Spider-Man."

"Don't remind me," Liz sighs. "That was terrifying."

"Spider-Man saved you. Don't complain," Michelle rolls her eyes, annoyed.

"Mary Jane's right," June agrees. "What do you have to be scared about?" she flicks her gaze over to Liz.

"You're the one who's BFFs with Intensity," Liz says.

"I have no idea who she is," June said.

"All she did was tell her that I was alright," I point out.

"You weren't there," MJ tightens her loose ponytail. "You fell out the window."

I've let my guard down. "Uh, she told me that she told you," I try to 'cover my tracks'.

"Anyway," Liz adjusts her top. "Homecoming's tonight. See you guys there." She stands up and leaves.

June runs a hand through her dirty-blond curly hair, and makes an exasperated expression.  "Okay, I'm going."

"What am I supposed to do?" Michelle asks. "You're ditching me?"

"I'm still here," I say.

"Right," MJ said, then takes out her phone.

June shrugs, then looks over her shoulder, "can you two get any creepier?"
She's talking to Peter and Ned.

"Why are the both of you so standoffish to them?" I glance over at the two boys.

"Not standoffish, just wary," Mary Jane puts down her phone.

"Wary? About what?"
June and Michelle ignore me.
"What are you guys wearing to homecoming?" I change the subject.

"The crappiest dress you'll ever see," MJ mutters.

"A black dress, because I'm mourning my dead motivation," June says.
Her and Michelle high-five. "I'm guessing you're wearing a red dress."

"How did you know?" I question.

"Red is one of your signature colors," June said, as the bell rings. "See you in class."


Its eight o' clock in the night, and I walk through the doors to the gym.
I'm wearing a bright red dress, with heeled boots. Its a lot more revealing than I'd like it to be. At least my butt and back aren't showing.

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