4- The Spider and the Geek

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School is boring, I can't lie, especially on a Friday. I'm sitting at my desk and stare impatiently at the clock; waiting for the last class to end. Mrs. White, my English teacher's voice drowns out of my ears, as the bell finally rings. Kids leap out of their seats and run out the door, before Mrs. White gets a chance to finish her sentence. She blinks in surprise, as half the class disappears into the busy hallway.

Her eye flick to the remaining bunch of us. "Remember, your assignment is to read the last of the article about the Avengers. Some of our vocabulary words are in there, and the test is next Thursday. At least you all will be guarantee a good grade. See you on Monday, you are dismissed."

I get out of my chair and grab my books. "Hey, Fiona. Wait up!" Mary Jane rushes up to me. "What do you think about the Avengers? The article doesn't sound too bad, right?"

"Uh huh," my eyes fall on Peter, as he packs up his backpack. I pause and forget to respond to Mary Jane.

"Hello? Earth to Fiona?" Mary Jane waves her hand on front of my face. "You in there?"

"...What..? Yeah, I'm listening."

"You know what would be best for you after a long week? You should come to musical theater, afterschool."


"Come on. Me and Peter are going. It'll be fun."

"Wait, I thought you were joking," Peter walks up to us. "You didn't tell me this was going to be a thing."

I smile, "It can't be that bad, can it?"

Peter grins at me, making my heart skip a beat. "I guess it can't," he says.


"You want me to what?" Peter asks, his eyes go wide with nervousness.

"Its only dancing Peter," Mary Jane said. "Fiona and I are doing it."

"I can't dance," I quickly say.

"Everyone can dance," Ms. Williams, the musical theater instructor, said cheerfully. She butted into our conversation. "Though not everyone is talented at it, so whether you're good or not is yet to determined."

"Oh, that's reassuring," I mutter.

"Don't be sticks in the mud, you two," Mary Jane says as the music turns on. She goes center stage, and starts dancing. She's killing it.

Mary Jane's dancing like she's in some Pop music video. My mouth nearly drops. Peter stares at her. Mary Jane stops halfway through the song, and darts over to us. "I'm not letting you guys miss out." She grabs both our wrists and drags us onto the stage.

I look at her, unsure of myself. I suck at dancing. I only dance when no one's looking. Mary Jane seems to read my mind.

"Give it a try. Here, follow my lead." She begins to move to beat, as a new song comes to come on.

Peter and I follow her every move. The next thing I know, I'm actually dancing. Not bad, to be honest. I look over at Peter. What is he even talking about? He's really good at dancing! I try not to look at him for too long. I've got to stay focused.

When we finish, the rest of musical theater claps. I have to admit, I feel good about myself.

           Everything flies by, and I've got to catch the late bus home. I walk out to the school with Peter. "So," I said. "You think you'll be back for musical theater?" I ask him.

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