Chapter 1, Life in the Garrison

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"Captain (y/n)!!!" Cana had to care for her, yet again, injured captain.

"Ouch! Will you stop that! It's not that bad!" you shouted. You were 25 years old and still screamed when someone held rubbing alcohol to your scratches. 

Cana- being herself- naturally worried for you.  Though you were strong and one of the best, you still got hurt a lot. Biting off more than you can chew is basically your logo.

Cana pushed one of her medium length brunette locks away from her face as she got ready to reapply the rubbing alcohol to your medium sized scratch.

"You really should be more careful, (y/n)." She stated. You tsk'd at this. She always criticized you like this.  You are careful, you just had some 'trust' issues. In other words, you try to do everything yourself.

"There you are. ready to head out again?" Toushi asked as he came in. Yep, you had to go back to the wall yet again.  

That was your job. You have to kill the abnormal titans that come near the wall. 

Commander Pixus himself issued this order and created your team for this. Abnormals were unpredictable, with that, people were worried that they might do something crazy, like ram the wall.

Cana quickly bandaged your wound (It was on your upper arm btw) and you went to join your team. 

Nathan, a tall man with black hair, also your second in command. He is also one of the best, right behind you. usually serious, calm, quiet, and doesn't care.

Toushi, a medium height man with a stocky build. He is right behind Nathan strength-wise.  He is very short tempered, loves to joke, but knows when to be serious.

Cana, a shortish, really skinny girl with medium length brunette hair. She may not have that much strength, but she makes up for it in speed, she is also the team medic.

Damion, a short skinny man with brunette hair. He is average when it comes to strength, and loves to toy with emotions. Killing titans brings him joy, but not as much joy as ticking off Toushi. He can be a good-guy if he wants to though.

Then there's you. (y/n), a really short, normally built woman. (h/l) (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes. Captain of your team, strongest in the garrison. 

The five of you headed to the walls.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time Skip---On the Walls----------------------------------------------------------------------------

To your surprise, when you got to the 'abnormal hot-spot', Commander Pixus was waiting there with people wearing green cloaks. The Survey Corps.

You recognized one of the men as Erwin Smith, the commander. You felt your stomach drop.

What stupid, outrageous thing is Pixus scheming this time?


If you couldn't tell, this was my first time ever writing fan-fiction. I apologize if it's not to your liking.

For for those of you who did enjoy, I would like to say that I am loving this and will continue it whenever I can! Hopefully, the longest you will have to wait is about one week, at most!

Hint hint:

You meet the survey corps members in the next chapter!  

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