Confession Day

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(Regular POV)

You've gotten back from wall Sina with Levi a while ago. You were glad to see that Cana had returned to her normal, cheerful self.

Of course, you had only JUST gotten back, so you haven't really greeted anyone yet.

You were about to say hi to Nathan and Cana in the mess hall, when you heard your name come up in their conversation.

You shrugged to yourself and decided to listen. Because, hey, what are squad leaders for? Right?

You heard Cana's voice. "No way! What're you going to do? Nathan, if you like (Y/N), and (Y/N) is kind of already with Levi... What will you do?"

You were already shocked by the news, but you kept listening in the hopes that there was more to the story.

You heard Nathan speak next. "I don't know... I might do something... I might not... I'm not sure..."

You decided it was time to stop listening in, so you shook your head and smacked your cheeks a couple of times. You took a deep breath and opened the door you were standing behind.

"I'm back!" You said excitedly. Cana jumped out of her seat and hugged you. Nathan nodded in your direction.

But, there was a sudden awkwardness as Levi walked in. You felt a little relieved that Levi didn't hear the conversation that you did.

--------------------One hour ago---------------------------------------------------------------

(Nathan's POV)

"Cana! Nathan!" Cana and I turned to the familiar voice that shouted at us from across the mess hall.

"What is it, Hanji?" Asked Cana.

"Levi and (Y/N) will be back soon!" Hanji had a gleam in her eye, like she was scheming something.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking that we play a trick on them. I mean, they're together, but they hardly show that they like each other in front of other people. I was thinking we do something to make them start showing that they like each other more!" Something told me that Hanji had already put a lot of thought into whatever plan she was scheming.

"Why?" I asked.

"C'mon! Wouldn't it be fun!" She still had that gleam in her eye, and honestly, I was getting a little uncomfortable. 

Just when I was about to tell her how NOT-FUN and STUPID her idea was, Cana spoke up. "It totally would be fun!" Cana exclaimed.

"Great! Alright! This is my plan, listen carefully because you both will play big roles." I had a really bad feeling about this...

And my feeling of dread only grew when Hanji went on and on about how I was supposed to talk to Cana about liking (Y/N). And how (Y/N) was supposed to be listening in.

Then, I would have to "declare my love" while Levi "just happened" to be in the same room.

In the end, all I can see is me getting my ass kicked by humanity's strongest.

After Hanji finished explaining her plan, I got up and got some paper and a pencil. Then I sat back down in my seat.

"Nathan? What are you doing?" Asked Hanji.

I didn't even look up at her. I just simply answered: "I'm writing my will."

----------------Back to Present Time----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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