Chapter 5, The Underground

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A/N: I got the idea for this one whilst listening to every awesome anime opening known to man! Enjoy! - Author 


(Your pov)

Nathan and you were going to the walls. The bell had just rang, signaling that there were some suspicious looking titans near the wall.

They're just being paranoid now... You thought.

Nathan was walking ahead of you with his arms crossed. He really didn't care for any of this. In fact he only joined because you asked him to join your squad. Otherwise he would have been in the Military Police by now.

That's right. He wanted to be one of those stupid MP's. The only thing you can think of that's good about them is that they have a unicorn on their backs.

He just wants an easy life (Sort of like Annie!).

But above all, he is normal.

He probably thinks that this is a pain... You thought.

Once you reached the spot on the wall you both checked or ODM gear to make sure that nothing bad would happen while you were down there.

Not a word. When you two were together you never talked. Neither of you minded. Though it wasn't all this way, back form where you were from, you talked al of the time, laughed even. 

Things were different now...  You have both seen your fair share of blood, both caused by humans... and even yourselves.


Nathan and you were both eight years old. Yet, you were zooming on your ODM gear through your hometown... The underground.

You both had taken your ODM gear from some soldier's dead bodies. You and Nathan didn't kill them though... Blood disgusts you. You just saw their bodies and took the gear. Odds are, they were killed by some other person.

You has learned how to use it together and now you were both practically masters at it.

Both of your parents were killed by drunken MP's on the same night. In fact, they were killed by the same soldiers. Together you had killed the MP's that killed your parents.

That's how you and Nathan met.

---------------------------------Time skip--------------(Still in flashback)--------------------------------------------

You were both ten now. You were currently in an abandoned house that you had learned to call home.

You were both eating meat that you had stolen.  

"So... I've thought about becoming a soldier..." You said randomly. Nathan looked up at you.

"No.." He replied.

"Why not? Don't you wanna get out of here? We can easily sneak out, then all we would have to do is lie about where we're from. They wouldn't suspect a thing!"

"And which branch would you join? I'll do whatever you do, but I don't want to die because of it." He stated bluntly.

"I'm going to join the scouts. I'll see the world! You can't change my mind." You stated.

Nathan just sighed. He knew that when your mind was made up, there was no changing it. 

----------------------------------End Of Flashback-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Cana, Toshi, Damion, and the people from the Survey corps met you and Nathan before you set out. 

You were more than happy to teach the the works... the longer it takes, the better.  You don't think you'll like what the future holds.

When we get back, we will have to talk with Pixus. Odds are, it's about the transfer... All I can do is hope for the best. Though... Damn... I'm nervous... You thought.

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