Your Squad Is Strange...

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Levi's POV

(Y/N) has been in the infirmary for quite a while now. The doctors have said that she'll pull through.

In fact, she could wake up any time now...

It's kind of nerve-racking though. One of her squad-mates has been killed, right before her eyes.

I wish she didn't have to witness such a thing. I have, many times, it's not something I wish to see again.

------------------Nobody's POV--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Feeling like he's spent more time with you than everyone else made Levi feel guilty. So he got up and left the room. 

As he was walking down the hall, in the dark night. With the hallway only lit by the moon, Levi heard voices. He looked further down the hall and saw a room with the light on, the door was open just a bit.

The voices belonged to none other than (Y/N)'s squad. But, there was something weird going on... he heard... laughter...

Why are they laughing at a time like this! Their teammate just died! Levi thought to himself.

Nathan's POV

True we are all sad about what happened to Toushi. But, once we heard that (Y/N) will be fine, things started to lighten up.

And before we knew it, we were all laughing. Reminiscing the past.

Damion,however, was still angry about Toushi's death. Though he still laughed with us.

"OH! Remember the time when Damion's gear got stuck when we were patching up a scratch on the wall? He ended up hanging up-side-down!" Cana looked like she was about to fall on the floor laughing about her brother.

"Ha,ha. Very funny." Said Damion sarcastically.

Everyone in the room started cracking up at that.

"That idiot." stated Damion bluntly.

"What'ya mean?" asked Cana.

"Distraction my ass." Damion went on. "He knew. He knew we would end up like this. Laughing, acting how we did back when we were cadets... He knew. Why does he have to go and be all heroic, huh? Why?! I swear... I'm going to kill those titans, no matter what..."

"That's why." I stated matter-of-factly.

Damion looked at me. I could see the hurt in his eyes. 

Every time he would pick on Toushi. Make him mad. It was routine. It was how we did things...

"Now, you have motivation to kill the titans. He didn't put up a fight, because he was giving his life for humanity." I went on. "Did you see yourself? After he he died, you seemed stronger than any of us. Stronger than me, stronger than (Y/N), possibly stronger than Levi..."

I smiled and stood up from my chair. Holding my hand out to Damion. "We're finally in a position to fight back. Let do it. We'll fight against the titans. and win."

Damion wiped the tears threatening to fall from his eyes and took Nathan's hand.

"Yeah." said Damion.

"... Says the guy who wanted to join the military police..." Said Cana to me.

Damion and I both sat down, laughing. 

... Perfect moment..... Ruined.

Levi's POV

As I watched the scene unfold before me, I couldn't believe my eyes.

I started walking down the hallways once more.

They really are... The Ultimate Team...


(A/N) Hey guys! It's me again! I just wanted to say that I hope you had a happy holiday! I'm finally able to update again, which makes me happy, too!!

By the way: I got some anime for Christmas! I got: Bungou Stray Dogs-which I have watched already, Barakamon- I have also watched it already, and I'm just starting HAIKYUU!!

Thanks for reading!


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