Specially Picked

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"Alright, the people whose names are called are the one's going on this small expedition. It's main focus is to see how far a smaller group of people can make it. However, if there is any immediate danger, they will come straight back. Any questions?"

Commander Erwin stood before everyone of the Scouting Corpse. 

One of the soldiers raised their hand to ask a question. "We'll have some of the stronger people with us? Right? Like captain Levi, or Hanji, or Nathan, or (Y/N)? At least one of those people?"

Erwin turned to the soldier. "Only Hanji- out of the people you stated- will be coming. We need to see what a small squad of average soldiers can accomplish. Though, of course I said you'd come back if there was immediate danger, I can't guarantee anyone's safety."

There was an outburst after Erwin's words. 

"What? So you randomly picked sacrifices?" Some people screamed. While others screamed curse words that shouldn't be mentioned.

"We have done our best to pick the most courageous people. Of course, nobody will blame you if you choose not to go. However, I hope you know that you will be abandoning humanity, and might be signing a death warrant to one of your comrades."

Everyone went silent. Except for the few, like you, who were already silent the whole time.

"Gustav Jelinek. Kristina Collenoy. Cana Danvers-"

You stopped listening as soon as you heard Cana's name. You quickly looked around for Cana. Although you found Nathan first, you couldn't help but feel a bit relieved that he was also looking.

Then, you found her. She was staring straight ahead. 

After all of the names were said and you were all dismissed, Nathan and you were the firsts ones to leave. Levi ended up following you.

The three of you went straight to Cana's and Mikasa's living quarters. Luckily, Mikasa was nowhere to be found. You think it would be kind of scary asking Mikasa to leave her own room.

The three of you walked in to find Cana checking her gear.

"Cana-" You were about to start, but Cana interrupted you.

"The expedition's in a week. I need to make sure I'm prepared." 

"Hey." Started Nathan. "(Y/N) already had to travel to Sina to tell your parents once, if she has to again, she might go mad." You huffed and rolled your eyes. This made Cana giggle.

"I'll do my best, of course, I'm nowhere near as strong as Levi." She gestured to Levi when saying this.

This time, it was Levi's turn to huff and roll his eyes. "Just pretend the titan's are trying to take away from your candy stash... You should be fine." said Levi.

Cana giggled, which caught the three of yours attention. "What is it?" You asked.

"I think I finally realized something..." 

"What'd you realize?" You asked again.

"Oh.. it's nothing..." She finished with a giggle.

Nathan smirked when he looked at you. He knew that you hated when people said "it's nothing" like that.

(Cana's POV) 

I froze as soon as I heard my name. Why me?! Was my first thought. But then again, I also felt honored... And maybe a little confused... Me? Courageous?

As soon as we were dismissed, I went straight to my shared room to start getting things ready. This was just so sudden! Stop it, Cana. This isn't a marriage proposal. 

As I was trying to calm my mind, (Y/N), Nathan, and Levi came into my room. After a little conversing with the three of them, my mind was even more calmed.

While they were talking, I noticed something. 

Whenever (Y/N) and Levi are in a room together, they changed the mood. It seems like just their presence brings confidence.

Maybe I have been looking at this all wrong... Maybe my old squad with Damion, Toushi, Ajax, Nathan, and (Y/N) wasn't the "ultimate team".....

Maybe it hadn't been formed yet... Maybe, the ultimate team is (Y/N) and Levi... Yeah... I could see that...

Yes, it's been decided! I have to make it back. It's my job as both (Y/N)'s friend, and as the #1 fan girl!  I want to see the two of them grow (together! I doubt Levi will physically grow any time soon!)

Before they left the room I asked Nathan to stay. He did as asked. When the door closed after (Y/N) and Levi, he looked at me and asked: "What's up?"

I smiled at him. "You see it too, don't you? How does that make you feel?"

He sighed, annoyed. "I told you. I don't have feelings for her. I thought that MAYBE I did. But, (Y/N) and I are strictly in the friend-zone relationship."

"Right... I'm kind of jealous... aren't you? They fell in love in a world like this... But hey, you've gotta admit! It's pretty fun to play tricks on (Y/N) and Levi!"

He smiled. "What makes you think that you can't find love in a world like this?" He came and and sat in a kneeling position in front of me.

Before I knew it, his lips had already connected to mine. Right afterwards, he got up and left. Leaving me there with my face as red as a tomato.

I  held the back of my hand up to my lips. 

Damn. If anyone's better at making fun of their friend's and being a fan girl... It's (Y/N)... 

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