Horses can be Jerks + Important Author's Note at End!

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Hey guys! So, um, there is a really important author's note at the end of this chapter and it would be much appreciated if you read it! Thank You! Enjoy!


"Ready to kill some titans?!" Asked one of the other Survey Corps soldiers. 

No. No you were not. You were okay with killing them if you could return to the walls straight afterwards. But you couldn't. SO, you didn't want to.

Your team kind of felt the same.

You would all be split up for this expedition. And, to top it all off, you were stuck with some old geezer who thinks he knows everything and is kind of crazy.

"The gates are opening. Once we get out there, it will get a little wild! Just remember the formation and keep riding." Said the geezer.

Slowly but surely, the gates started opening. 

Who was the idiot who designed the gates to move so slowly! What help that is! You thought.

Once the gates were opened enough to get through, Erwin started the charge. You frantically searched the crowd of green cloaks to look for your squad members. Nathan was the only one you could find. He was a little behind you and to your right.

He gave you a small, reassuring smile.

You turned back around as you started riding out.


Right away, titans were everywhere.

But Hanji's squad was quick to the battle scene. So you kept your eyes forward and kept riding.

For a moment, you actually felt calm. Like everything would be fine. But, that feeling went away quickly. It left you completely as everyone split up into formation.

(Time skip: Not too long later in the right wing o the formation!)

You had been riding with the old geezer for a while now. He had spent the whole time babbling on about something or the other. But, you were too nervous to even hear what he was saying.

You heard a small pop in the distance. Not long after, you saw red smoke to your right.

This made your heart race a little.

The old geezer must have seen your expression for he was quick to calm you. "Relax kid. The whole Survey Corps is full of soldiers who know how to handle the titans. It'll be fine. Besides, the only reason we're on this expedition is so that they can get a specimen for experiments."

Though, as if on cue,  a titan started towards you two from the area that the red smoke came from.

But, something was off. How did a regular titan get through? Wait.. It can't be! An abnormal!?

The titan was still making its way straight to you and the old geezer.

"I've got this kid. Let me show you how it's done!" said the geezer, prepping his gear.

He lifted off of his horse while you got the black smoke. You shot the black smoke from your flare gun, and watched as the message carried on to be sure other people saw it.

When you looked back, the old geezer was flying around the abnormal with his gear.

But then, he hooked his gear straight to the neck.

As a person who's spent her whole life killing abnormals, you knew that this wasn't good. It could definitely snatch him once he got close to the nape. 

"NO! WAIT!" You tried to shout and get his attention, but it was too late. the titan had grabbed him.

The man screamed in terror, and you watched in horror, as the titan ate the man.

Out of rage, you got your gear ready and headed for the titan. You knew how to deal with this. You've done this before. This is no different.

You preceded to slice big gashes around the titan before getting up to its nape and making a clean cut. 

Revenge was served.

Except for one thing. Your horse was gone. And so was the old geezers'.

"You have got to be kidding me!" You punched the air in anger, swords still in hands. You then sheathed your swords and went to a tiny area with a bush and a tree for cover. it wasn't much, but it'd work good enough! 

You then pulled out your flare gun and the purple smoke. You knew it was probably useless, but it was better than nothing.

You shot it in the air, then you waited. There was no way you could walk in titan territory on foot. That's a great way to get killed. All you could really do was just sit and wait.

Sit and wait.



Alright! This is really important so I hope you read the following!

First off,  I have finally gotten a clearer schedule! Which means, that I have set a time of the week for updates on this story! Yes! Once a week! The day will be on Saturdays. But, if something were to come up, then I would be sure to let you guys know!

Second off, My other story: Seraph of the End- Guren X Reader will be updated on Sundays.

Now, This story will not last forever*sob sob*, but, I have been thinking about after I'm finished with this one, what i'll do.

Now, some ideas have come to me, and the ones that I liked the best were POSSIBLY, doing an anime X reader one shots series!

I will also probably start a Fate/Zero or Fate/Stay Night (Unlimited Bladeworks) fanfiction. That one might not end up being a reader insert. But I hope to get the ball rolling and start some regular updates!

I'd love to hear what you guys think in the comments section!

Thank you for sticking with this story! This was my first one ever, so I was a little worried. I know that it has some holes and other problems, maybe i'll fix that in the future! So thanks for reading, Reader-chan!

Cya later!

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