Normal Once More + !Important Author's Note!

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Your choice was obvious.


Nathan didn't seem too terribly sad after you informed him of your choice. Though he may have seemed slightly unhappy, it all quickly vanished once Cana told him about how she really felt. Those two now seemed really happy, like nothing could break them apart.

You smiled to yourself as you started heading to Levi's office. Now, you had to tell him of the news.

You walked with a little skip to your step, which didn't go unnoticed. And, much to your dismay, the first person who pointed it out happened to be the titan-loving four-eyes.

"So, you've made your choice?" Asked Hanji, nudging your side.

How does she know? I've never told her that... You thought. Just as you were about to ask her, you ran into Levi.... ALMOST literally. 

You inwardly sighed in relief at the close call.

"Levi, just the person I wanted to see!" Said Hanji. She began showing Levi a bunch of documents that you knew you would have no interest in.

While Hanji continued going on and on, you caught Levi's gaze. You smiled, and he nodded, understanding that you had decided to stay with him.

You then leaned against the wall in the hallway, waiting for Hanji to shut up.

Although, you had to wait a while... Until finally, you decided to speak up.

"Hanji." You said to get her attention. She looked at you.

You continued. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is this?" You asked in a non-threatening manner.

"Ummm... probably... a 2?" She said.

"Then... Can it possibly wait until tomorrow? I mean... Moblit probably wants to hear about it more than Levi does." You said.

Hanji nodded excitedly. "You're right, (Y/N)! Levi! I'll talk to you tomorrow!" And then, Hanji ran off.

"...Wow... You bought me a whole 24 hours..." Said Levi with a slight smirk on his face.

"Yeah, don't relax too quickly. We both know that actually probably only got us a few hours at most." Levi nodded at your words.

"On another note, Hanji was talking about the whole ordeal that went down... I doubt you said anything, and neither would Nathan or Cana... so how would she know about it, if we were the only ones who knew?" Levi stopped in his place after hearing what you said.

"You know... It's quite possible that Nathan and I were overheard...." He said with a thoughtful look.

You sighed. "Yeah... I just hope that there won't be any crazy rumors...."

"It'll be fine. I AM their superior after all."

"You know," you started. "We were both put in charge of our combined squad, however, I didn't get promoted at all... In the end, I guess you remained the leader..." Your shoulders slumped.

Levi nudged you with his arm. "Do you want to lead our squad on the next expedition?" Your eyes lit up.

"Yes!!!! Can we trade horses for that expedition too?! Please?! There was this awesome horse called Maple, but she's already attached to her current rider!" You looked at Levi with hopeful eyes.

Levi sighed. "We'll see..."

You giggled. "That wasn't a no!"


The two of you continued down the hall like nothing ever changed.


Extra~ (Cana's POV)

Oh man, how am I gonna tell Nathan?

I felt my pulse beat faster as Nathan sat beside me. 

I took a deep breath. This is it. It's all or nothing.

"Nathan.... I'm pregnant."


A/N: This is really important, so I ask that you read it!

Okay, I am sad to say that the next chapter of this series, will be the last.

The next chapter will be an epilogue! 

Anyways, I'd just like to say thank you to all of you who have read, commented, voted, and who have supported this story!

This was my first fanfic ever, so I kept writing, so that I would have a change to grow, and write more and better things in the future! Thanks so much!

I'll see you at the last chapter! 

Again, thanks so much!


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