Chapter 6, Your Complete Past

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(A/N) I was really surprised to see that this story has hit 100 views! It may not seem like much to many people, but, for me (a first time writer) It just makes me ecstatic!




You did it. Nathan and you have just escaped the underground. Right now, you were standing with your arms behind your back with you uniform on.

You were not nervous. The man before you shouting for you to state your name and where you were from was nothing. Not compared to what you've seen.

"Cadet! State your name and where your from!" Shouted the man.

"(Y/N) (L/N), from the Trost district, sir!" You shouted right back. Your fist was over your heart. Your eyes cold.

The man nodded approvingly, then moved on.

------Time Skip (still in flashback)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"I don't care, (Y/N), I don't like it." Stated Nathan.

He didn't like that you and him had to stay in separate buildings. He would be staying in the guys' dorm, and you in the girls'.

"Don't worry, Nathan, I'll be fine!" You complained.

A bell rang telling you that it was time to start combat training.

"You each have been assigned a number when you got here. Now you will come up and draw one. The person with your number will be your training partner." Stated the same man from before.

hmmm... 11....

You noticed that a guy with bright auburn hair had that number. He was your partner.

His name was Toushi.

Nathan's partner was Cana.

Through Cana, you both met Damion.

Ajax... you met him through Damion, apparently, they were partners.

Thus, your unintended friendships started.

-----------------Time Skip (Still in flashback)-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year 845

Your team; Cana, Nathan, Toushi, Damion, and Ajax.

You were named captain of this team. You job was the basic job of guarding the walls. Though you were on top of them.

You looked over the small district of Shiganshina.


You heard a crash. You saw yellow and green lightning.

When you turned around, to your horror, you were looking in the eyes of the colossal titan.

It kicked the wall sending your team flying. Everyone hooked onto the inside of the wall with their ODM gear. All except for you and Ajax.

You both fell towards the outside of the wall.

Now, falling, you were able to hook you gear into the wall.. Stopping yourself just ten feet from the ground.

Ajax was not so lucky.

He couldn't stop in time... You watched his lifeless body lying on the ground motionless.

You didn't have time to worry or grieve though. Titans. They were getting into the city!

You quickly zoomed back to the top of the wall.

But much to your dismay, you were called to retreat.

Shiganshina was lost. Your best friend was lost. You felt as if all... Was lost.

------------------End of flashback----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You watched in amazement as Levi skillfully killed the titans.

No one in the scouts had much troubles with killing the titans. In fact they wanted to stay and do it some more.

As you were heading back, you looked to your left, over the wall. It was sunset. Making the land look beautiful.

There. Out there, is where you memories, where your happiness lies. And nothing will change that.

If only you knew...

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