Confusion and Decisions

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"What do you mean, Nathan? Is this some joke? You're telling me that you have feelings for Cana... and me?"

You stood behind the stables. It was dark out, and Nathan had just confessed.

"...Yeah... look, I don't want anything to change for the worse, in fact, I'm only letting you know of my feelings because Levi was getting worried." You couldn't help but notice how Nathan kept failing to make eye contact.

"So... you don't mean it? Nathan, I'm confused. What do you want from me?" You just couldn't wrap your head around it. Nathan has been by your side for a long time. This was just very confusing for you.

"I just want a serious answer. But don't answer right away. I want you to think seriously. Who would you be happier with? Me? Or Levi? You can answer me tomorrow, take today to think about it..." and with that, Nathan walked off, leaving you to stand there.

After a while, you decided to head inside. However, you noticed that one of the horses was still saddled up.

You sighed in annoyance, silently cursing the cadet that forgot about their duties.

After taking the saddle off, you found yourself softly stroking the horse before pulling off the reins.

"I can't believe I'm saying this... but I envy you... I don't like horses, and yet I'd rather be one. I mean, the titans aren't interested in you..." you hummed a little to yourself. Until finally, a thought popped up in your head, just as you directed the horse into its stable.

"Hey..." you looked at the name of the horse that was on the stable. "Maple... I wonder why I fell in love with Levi... he doesn't really smile... but, we have a lot in common... but I have a lot in common with Nathan too..."

And thus, began your long thought process over who you loved more.

However, you soon shook your head, realizing that you left out a huge factor. Cana.

What would she think about this. She's in love with Nathan... how could you take that away from her. Or rather, how could Nathan say he loved her, even though he likes you as well.

In the end, you decided to go talk to Cana before making any drastic decisions.

If anyone would know what to do, it's her.

You nodded to yourself and started walking out of the stable.

You also made a mental note to yourself so that you would talk to Erwin about making Maple your horse for the next expedition.


You knocked on Cana's door. It didn't take long for her to answer. You noticed that Mikasa was still asleep, and Cana closed the door behind her as she stepped out.

"Why don't we go to the mess hall? There should be nobody there at this hour." You nodded at Cana's words and began to follow her.

You both sat down in utter silence, until Cana decided to be the first to speak up.

"I think I know what this is about... Nathan confessed... didn't he?"

You nodded.

"Have you replied?"

You shook your head.

She smiled softly with a tiny bit of laughter before speaking again. "I can tell this gave you a run for your money. You smell like the stables, and your stable duty was yesterday."

Cana's face went normal once more before she continued. "Look, I know you're worried about me. But, forget it. You always think about the other party, and never about yourself. A lot has happened, Ajax... Toushi.... Damion... as our leader, I know you think it's your fault... but, you deserve love. And even if you turn Nathan down, or if you turn Levi down, they're still going be there for you in the end. The same goes for me."

Cana smiled at you once more.

This time, you smiled back.

"Yeah..." you said. "Thanks Cana. Now, I have made my decision."

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