Chapter 4, Back To Work... Sort Of

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That morning you pulled yourself out of Levi's arms that held you so close to his chest. Then you went on the other side of the room so nobody would suspect a thing. (That nobody meaning Damion.)

You heard a bell. This was something you heard a lot. Its purpose is to warn you that some abnormal titans have been spotted near the wall. 

You decided that since it was still early, you would just take Nathan to deal with them. You quickly and quietly moved to where Nathan slept. Although, you knew this was going to be hard. Nathan always slept lightly, and when you went to wake him, he was always at the ready. Just in case it were something -or someone- bad trying to wake him.

It wasn't his fault, in a way you were like this too. It is just something you felt necessary because of the place that you grew up. But let's not jump into things, Nathan and you were never a fan of talking about your past, considering it was a rough and harsh one.

"Psst, psst, Nathan wake up!" You whisper-yelled. You nudged him slightly with your hand. He quickly grabbed your hand you nudged him with at the speed of a snake when it strikes.

You sighed. "Come on, the bell rang. Pixus won't be a very fun person if we neglect our duties. Much less stop doing them altogether."

-----------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------

(Cana's pov)

I went outside with Toushi and my brother Damion. The bell must have gone off since Nathan and (Y/N) are gone. My baka of a brother was trying to pick a fight with Toshi. They never get along.

"Maybe you shouldn't have bumped into me!" Yelled Toshi.

I remember the girl from the special operations squad called Mikasa. She said that they fight worse than Eren and Jean.

I'm not sure how I feel about a titan-shifter getting into arguments... it could be a dangerous thing.

"You know, Toushi, your hair looks a lot like the sunrise does right now..." Damion giggled after he said this, it was a devious giggle. He had something planned.

I knew it wasn't anything good, so I walked up to the two of them and I put a hand behind each of their heads. I quickly smashed their heads together leaving both with a tiny bleeding gash.

"What the h311 was that for?!" Screamed Damion. Just then the special operations squad walked out with the two commanders.

Pixus eyed me suspiciously before asking, "What happened here?" I knew I was in trouble.

"Hehehe, you know Toushi, your hair matches the color of blood too. Then again... I'm sure you know this, you know, considering all of the blood that has come out of you..." Said Damion.

Everyone within our squad in the Garrison knew about Toushi and his... issues. He is sick. He has to take pills all of the time otherwise he coughs up blood. 

(Y/N) knew this. Yet she allowed him in her squad, however Pixus does not know. If he did, Toushi would be removed. My brother, Damion, has stooped to a knew low.

"You know... I don't think any of that is important... (Y/N) and Nathan went to the wall. I think we should go help them." I said, trying to change the subject.

"I think the scouts should go with you and help today. Since you will one day go on expeditions with them, it is only fair that they try a little of what you guys do." Said Pixus.

I felt the blood drain from my face, I could see it with Toushi and Damion too. Expeditions? I have a feeling our lives are going to take on a pretty big change... And not necessarily a good one. 

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