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(Cana's POV)

It has been days since that expedition. I have secluded myself to Mikasa's and my room. She would go in and out all of the time, although, she'd give a look like she was sorry for me each time. 

Mikasa has been really nice, honestly. She has even brought me food sometimes. 

As if on cue, Mikasa walked into our shared living quarters. "I heard that (Y/N) and Levi will be back tomorrow." She said.

I felt my stomach drop even more. (If that's possible)

This meant that my mom and dad have heard the news. The news that their son, who I promised I'd protect, has fallen in battle.

"Enough." I was surprised my the sudden jump in Mikasa's tone.

"Do you really think that sulking is going to help?" Mikasa continued. "I've tried to help you in hopes that you'd get back on your feet, but, do you really think that your brother would want you acting this way?" 

I knew she was right. I stood up from my bed, which I hadn't left for a long time. 

"Right." I couldn't help and giggle a little bit at how foolish I had been. "I'm going to the mess hall for breakfast."

And I did just that. I went to the mess hall, I bet Nathan is there too.

As soon as I walked through the doors, people turned my way. They seemed surprised to see me. Well, everyone except for a certain person. He had black hair. He sat, eating his breakfast like everything was fine.

"Took you long enough." Was all he said.

"Sorry, Nathan, I just had some troubles clearing my head. Did you hear (Y/N)'s coming back tomorrow?" 

He looked at me out of the corners of his eyes with the corners of his mouth slightly tilted up in a smile. His arms were still crossed.

"Really, welcome back." He said. I smiled and took a seat next to him. We both looked at the empty seats at the table. One for Damion. One for Toushi. And one for Ajax. The three missing people.

"Remember when Ajax died? Everyone was so distraught then..." Nathan looked at me questioningly as I continued. "He was like what made our team whole. Then, when he died, we all felt lost. But, then, we moved on... Sometimes... I wish we could go back to when everyone were still here..."

"But we can't." Said Nathan quickly. "All we can do is continue and fight, and make sure they didn't die in vain."

I smiled again. "Yeah! I guess you're right!"

We spent the whole rest of the morning conversing about the good old days.

---------------------------Flashback- before the fall of Shiganshina-Still Cana's POV-----------------

"(Y/N)! Wait up! I called.

"I can't! I'm too excited! We're done being the knew recruits! We've moved up!" She called back.

We were all currently on our ODM gear heading towards the walls. Our squad at just been assembled. And today was our first time heading to the walls. 

"C'mon Cana! All you have to do is go faster!" Damion called from ahead of me.

"I'm perfectly fine NOT dying!" I called back. I look farther ahead of (Y/N) and see Ajax is already at the wall.

It only took a little longer for everyone to join up. The view from the top of the wall was amazing.

"Yep, I could get used to this." Said Toushi.

"What if we could go out there...." Started Ajax. "You mean, like join Scouts?" I asked.

"Yeah... We have to decide soon anyways... So, where do you guys want to go?" Asked Ajax.

"Well, since I'm sick anyways... I was thinking I would go to the Scouts.." Said Toushi.

"Yeah, I wanna go to the scouts too!" Said Ajax.

"Same." Said (Y/N).

Nathan sighed. "You know, I would much rather prefer the military police..." 

Everyone turned to him.

"Haha! Like we'd let you do that!" Said Damion. "I think we should all join the scouts together!"

"But, what about Pixus?" I stepped in. Everyone went silent. "Yeah, that was a pretty good offer." Said (Y/N). "One that, I think, would be pretty big to pass up."

"I don't want to join those drunk garrison guys!" Blurted out Ajax. Nobody said anything, but they all had a little silent agreement.

"I'm sure the view is much better out there than it is up here..." Said (Y/N). "But the odds of DYING is really great... Listen... I'm going to take Pixus up on his offer."

Everyone looked at (Y/N) a little surprised.

"It's the right choice isn't it? If we want to stay together?" Said Damion.

"Yeah..." I answered.

"Then, I guess we have no choice... Well... Captain?" Ajax turned to (Y/N) who was looking at the view when he said 'captain.'

She turned back to us and said: "Anyone who wants to decline commander Pixus's offer, may speak up now, and leave peacefully." 

Everyone was silent.

Ajax sighed. "I can't believe we're going to go through with this." He said with a smile on his face. 

"You look a little relieved, Ajax." Said Toushi. Everyone started laughing.

I noticed (Y/N) look at Nathan and smile. And he smiled back.

"Oh yeah!" Shouted Damion. Everyone's attention turned to him. "I heard that Akane and Kai from training camp have finally "Sealed the Deal!" he said.

"Really?!" I said excitedly! "Makes me wonder if one of us will move on with our lives like that? how about you, (Y/N)?" I asked.

(Y/N) turned to me and smiled. "Like that would ever happen... I think I'll buy my own horse before I fall in love." She answered. 

"I don't know... It would be kind of fun, I think." I answered. 

"Please don't." Said Damion.

Everyone started laughing again.

--------------------End of Flashback- Still Cana's POV------------------------------------------

Yeah, if everything could go back to that.... It'd make me the happiest person on this dirt hole we call home.

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