The Ultimate Team- Epilogue

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A/N: Hey guys! Before this chapter, I would just like to apologize that my update is a little late! I just got back from Comic con! I got pictures with Kakashi Hatake, Asuna and Kirito, Most of the Yuri on Ice cast, Keith and Pidge from Voltron, the RWBY cast and Nishinoya Yuu! Plus, I had a "Friendly" chat with Roy Mustang. Apparently, our opinions were different about Ed. (Idiot Author, picking a fight with the Flame Alchemist)!... and my history teacher was there... 0_0

Anyways, back on topic: I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has read all of this. This was my first fanfic, and you can definitely tell that throughout the whole story, I have been finding my writing style little by little! Thanks so much for reading, anyways, now with the final chapter!


"Ouch! That hurts!" You whined as Levi dabbed your cut with rubbing alcohol. 

"That's what you get for trying to do things on your own." Said Levi without any remorse.

You looked away in defeat, silently planning your revenge.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Can you please watch Sakura (Not from Naruto! I know what you're thinking!) for me? Nathan and I have to go to town for supplies." Asked Cana, peeping her head through the door.

"Do I have a choice?" You asked.

"Nope!" Cana smiled and left before you could say anything.

Sakura smiled and ran up to hug you. She had Nathan's hair, but she definitely had Cana's eyes.

You looked up to Levi, only to see him half way out the door. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the back of his uniform before he could leave. Levi sighed in defeat, and you smiled in victory. (Gosh, it was really hard for me NOT to put Victuuri instead! I have Comic con fever!!!)

"Sorry, but we're in this together!" You said with an evil smile on your face.

"Let's go play!' Shouted Sakura excitedly. She immediately grabbed Levi's hand and pulled him away. He looked back at you with a cold glare. You smiled and waved, then, you went off to take care of some chores.

(Levi's POV)

"I wanna see the horses!" Said Sakura excitedly.

I had no choice. She may look a lot like her dad, but she definitely has Cana's attitude.

She went up to almost every horse. (Just like how I went up to almost every awesome anime cosplayer for a picture!)

As I sat there, watching her, I noticed how a horse started acting up. It was right by Sakura. I instantly got her out of the way. Of course, she had no idea what was going on and was giggling constantly.

I can see why (Y/N) has a thing against horses now...

(Back to Regular POV)

You finished up your work that you had for the day. You only had to do some paperwork though. You decided that you might as well look for Levi.

When you went outside, it wasn't that hard to find him. 

He was laying down under a tree. His eyes were closed, obviously asleep. However, Sakura was with him, and you felt warmth at the sight. 

On the outside, you were calm and cool. On the inside, you were screaming like the world's biggest fangirl.

"(Y/N)!" Cana came up behind you. Although, she stopped and smiled at the sight of her daughter and Levi.

"Wow... It's hard to believe that you've been with Levi for four years now... and you've been married for three of those years." Said Cana, still smiling.

You smiled even wider, looking at the ring on your hand.

"Yeah." You replied to Cana.

Just then, Levi started to open his eyes, waking up. It wasn't long until he got up and handed Sakura to Cana.

He then grabbed your hand and started walking with you to your shared room.

As soon as you were both in your room, he turned around and pulled you into an unexpected hug.

It was silent for a long while, as you both stood in each other's embrace.

"Alright." Said Levi, breaking the silence.

"Alright what?" You asked in confusion.

"Alright... we can have kids..." Said Levi.

"Really?" You said, now excited. You hugged Levi tighter.

"We'll do great as parents!" You said.

"What makes you so sure?" Asked Levi

"Because," You grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes. "We're the ultimate team."

*-*-*-*-*-*-*Attack on Titan- The Ultimate Team- Story End*-*-*-*-*-*

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