Fan-Girling 101

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"OH MEH GOSH!!!! YOU? AND NATHAN? AND YOU AND NATHAN?" You were super excited to hear Cana's news.

Usually most people would say Cana's the major fangirl out of your group. But she got everything she knows from you.

"My ship has SAILED!" You shouted.

"Oh, come on! You were not shipping me and Nathan!" Cana was about to lose it from embarrassment.

"Uh. Yes. Nana all the way." You deadpanned her. "Besides," you continued. "Now, you have a REALLY GOOD reason to make it back from your expedition alive!" 

Cana rolled her eyes and moved a bucket of oats next to a horse. Yes, the two of you were currently on stable duty.

One of the horses that was in the stable next you snorted. This, of course, scared the living daylights out of you, causing you t jump away from the stable.

"Why am I here anyway!?" You started to throw a fit.

"Because the person who was SUPPOSED to help out had to train. They were picked for the upcoming expedition, you know?" You nodded at Cana's words, however reluctant, and continued to shovel the hay on the ground.

After several hours of work, the bell for lunch finally rang. You were the first one out of the stables and practically ran for the mess hall. Another minute with a horse, and you would have pulled your hair out.

When you got into the mess hall, your eyes quickly spotted Levi, and you took a seat next to him.

"That's unusual." He stated.

You turned to him questioningly. "What is it?"

"Well, I didn't think you would spend that much time in the stables."

"What do you mean? How do you know I was in the stables all day?" 

Before you got your answer, Levi crinkled his nose. And that's when it dawned on you. You  SMELLED like you spent all day in the STABLES.

You quickly got up and ran to the bathing area for the female soldiers. While you were bathing, trying really, REALLY hard to get the smell away, you hear Levi knock at the side of the shower stall you were in.

This, of course, startled you. 1: because the bathing area was pretty much like a locker room. And 2: Because this was the GIRLS bathing area. Which means something was important enough that Levi had to come in. And he was now standing right outside your shower stall. So nothing was separating you (With nothing on) and him, but a curtain.

"Oi. Idiot. Forget something?" It took you a moment to realize what he meant, until you realized you ran into the shower without bringing a change of clothes.

Your face instantly went red.

"H-hey... L-Levi? Would you mind doing me a favor?" You asked timidly.

"No." was his simple answer.

Your face got even more red. "Oh come on! Please!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah. Fine. I was just joking." He said. To which you answered: "Yeah, well maybe people who don't usually joke... shouldn't joke!" 

"Yeah. I'm going." Levi said this, but you could still hear the amusement in his voice.

"Man. Training was really hard today.."

You felt your gut sink. That was some other girls. If they saw Levi, they-

Before you could finished your thoughts, there was a burst of cool hair, and before you knew it, Levi was in your shower stall with you. He was still fully clothed, but the water was still going.

You blushed even more. But, you also felt relieved when you noticed that his eyes were closed.

"(Y/N)? Is that you in there?" You quickly answered to one of the girls questions. 

"U-u-m. Y-yes!" You answered quickly. At this moment, you were glad that the curtains reached the floor so that nobody could see that there was another person with you.

The space was cramped, so Levi had his arms around you. And you had your arms around him.

"Okay, well, we're going to shower too. So sorry if our talking annoys you."

You saw your opening.

"Y-yeah. Okay. Talk away! I w-won't mind!" 

You leaned towards Levi a little more and whispered in his ear. "Wait a little bit for all of them to get in the showers. Then, escape."

Levi nodded.

So, the two of you just stood there awkwardly, while Levi had his eyes shut tight. Until you whispered the 'okay' in Levi's ear.

He then put his back to you so he could open his eyes and see. After that, he raced quickly out of the girls bathing area.

Leaving you there, with your cheeks tinted red. It wasn't until you could see his face in the bright light, that you noticed his cheeks were tinted a light pink.

After you made sure that he was gone, you spoke up. "Hey, when one of you guys are done, can you run to my room and get some clothes? I forgot to bring mine." 

The other girls giggles, but complied to your request.

(Meanwhile- in Levi's POV)

I just reached mine and (Y/N)'s room. A part of me started to blush a tiny but when I thought about what happened, and the other part of me cursed myself for closing my eyes.

Connie passed by me just as I was about to enter my room.

"Uh... Hey? Why are you drenched? Did you go swimming with your clothes on?" He asked.

I just sighed before answering: "Yeah... Something like that..."

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