Chapter 7, How Are Things Going So Far?

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while... I've just had this little thing called 'life' going on. I'm the main antagonist in my school's play. (Suits me well! XD) Also, I have started basketball... So yeah... Sorry for not updating sooner! I will continue to try to update as soon as possible!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!



It has been about a month since your squad has been transferred to the survey corps. And of course, you weren't happy.

You weren't happy because according to Pixus; you have to share both of your squads. So basically, there is one big squad with two leaders. You and Levi.

Things have been going well, except for a few awkward moments.

Like the time that your found out that since you and Levi are both squad leaders, and the fact that there is so many people with your squads combined... You have to share living quarters with him...

You weren't the only one that had to share living quarters though. This is how it went:

Damion was in the same room as the 'titan boy' Eren.

Cana was in the same room as Mikasa. You have grown to respect Mikasa. She was strong and loyal to her friends.

Nathan was in a room with Armin. Armin is smart. (And quite honestly, truly humanity's strongest since you have seen him hold back Mikasa from beating the crap out of some people!)

Toushi, of course, had his own room. This was because he was sick and you didn't want to risk anyone finding out.

You also learned, much to your surprise, that Eren, Armin, and Mikasa, are from Shiganshina. This truly gave you respect for them. They were survivors of that awful attack, and probably more scarred than anyone.

------------------------------------------Time skip-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your POV:

You threw down the pencil. Levi looked at you from across the room. Everyone was in the mess hall eating lunch. You of course, weren't. Why, you may ask? 

Paperwork. Paperwork! PAPERWORK!

apparently, Damion hit the wall really hard out of anger, cracking it. That guy has some strength.

"My hand has a cramp!" You  exclaimed.

Levi came over and picked up the pencil. He grabbed your paperwork and started working on it. 

You looked at him, You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks so you looked away.

"What are you doing, Levi?" You asked.

"We are both captains of the same squad, which means that whatever one of your guys does, is my problem too." He sighed.

You decided to get another pencil and help.

That's how you spent your day. With Levi, filling out paperwork.

Soon though, it got late. 

You yawned.

"I'm done. And so are you." You stated bluntly and took Levi's pencil. He didn't want to admit it though, but he could work longer, because he has insomnia. But nonetheless, he nodded his head and followed you to both of your living quarters. 

It was a simple room with a desk and two beds. One at either side of the room. Your bed was on the right side and his was on the left.

You immediately went to your bed and plopped down face first. Neither you or Levi change into pajamas or anything because sometimes you get called to work in the middle of the night. Yup, sometimes you still do kill the suspicious looking abnormals near the walls... and sometimes at night.

--------------------------------Time skip to that night------------------------------------------------------------------

You opened your eyes.

The moon was still out which meant that it was still nighttime. Though you couldn't help but notice Levi sitting int the chair of his desk. Not asleep.

You got up.

"Why aren't you asleep?" You ask.

"I don't usually." He replied bluntly.

This made your eyes widen in surprise. You knew he always looked tired , but you didn't know that he had insomnia. Then, your lips tighten into a thin line. Your mind was made up.

You went over and grabbed Levi by the arm. You pulled him up and dragged him to his bed. you sat on his bed with him sitting next to you.

"Close your eyes." You said.

He simply did as told. You simply hummed a small tune that your mother used to sing to you as a child.

Not long after, Levi's head was on your shoulder. His body leaning on yours slightly, with both of your backs against the wall.

You fell asleep not long after.

You weren't going to lie... This felt... Right. Over the time that you've spent with him, you've started to feel attached.



Well, I've made this one longer to make up for not updating! I hope you liked it! I will update again as soon as possible!


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