Chapter 8, What?!?!?!?!?!

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"The wall has been broken!"

You couldn't believe your ears... The wall... Broken?

----------------------------------Flashback to this morning-----------------------------------------------------------

Everyone was in the mess hall enjoying their day.

"Some cold soup with a side of stale bread? What am upgrade." Damion said sarcastically. 

"Shut up and eat." Cana commanded.

Yup... This was normal... Go to the mess hall, listen to Cana and Damion with their siblings' quarrel, eat food, and train.

Just then you saw Levi and his squad come in. You couldn't help but blush a tiny bit. You weren't sure why... but it was just something about Levi. 

Maybe it was his raven colored hair, or his stoic grey-blue eyes. You honestly didn't feel troubled by his shortness, considering you weren't all that tall yourself... (Just go with it! Sorry if your tall, I'm tall!)

Levi's squad split around the room, each person going to sit with friends, or some sitting together.

Levi sat at the table next to yours. You weren't sure, but you think that he looked at you maybe just a little.

But that's when the cadet burst through the door yelling about the break in the wall...

Which brings you to where you are now! Heading to the Trost district. 

"It seems that those stupid titans just want the hole in Trost to stay open, huh?" Asked Nathan.

You didn't answer, you just kept riding forward until the district came into view.

"The (L/N) squad! You're on Vanguard. Split you squad and lead the others up front! Levi squad! Everyone take the rearguard except for Eren, Levi, Mikasa, and Armin!" The commands were given by the commander, now you have to do your best and fulfill your job as a soldier of mankind.

-------------------------------------------Time skip, yes, another one. You are now in your positions and Eren is about to shift into his titan!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"We're lucky that we've got another boulder. Man, that stupid colossal guy should think about how he kicks a little more!" Shouted Damion from behind you.

You all were currently regrouped now. Thanks to the orders of Pixus. You are to now assist Eren in sealing the wall by defending him.

Levi, Armin, and Mikasa showed up on your left. All of you are now heading straight towards the boulder where Eren is.

"Seriously though! What does he think this is? An art show maybe? It's just like a redo of last time!" Shouted Damion.

"Well... It could have been worse..." stated Mikasa.

You mentally slapped yourself. Never ever say that... Things will definitely get worse if you do. 

"Several titans spotted straight ahead!" Shouted Cana.

You knew what you had to do. "Levi. Can you lead the others around them and to Eren?"

Levi only 'tched' in response, though you knew that was a yes.. or more like a; "Idiot, of course I can.. you should be asking me if I will." 

Levi took the others around the titans and to Eren.

Damions POV:

I have no idea what she's thinking. She'll get herself killed! But, nevertheless, we continued on under Levi's command.

"Eren!" screamed Armin. "hurry up and transform!"

"Right!" Eren shouted back.

In a flash of lighting, he transformed. I couldn't help but feel disgust. To think someone like Eren, can turn into something like that...

Eren picked up the boulder and started heading toward the hole. And just like that, the operation has commenced.

I glanced back in the direction of the swarm of titans, hoping that (Y/N) was okay.

Then,five titans appeared. "Not good!" I shouted.

"Get on the buildings! It's too dangerous!" Shouted Levi. We obeyed.

And little by little, we were surrounded.

Eren can't get through.. This isn't good!

"Look." Nathan pointed at a small figure on the ground.

My eyes widened in disbelief. (Y/N)? 

But while we were distracted... "Toushi!" Screamed Cana.

He had been picked up. But he wasn't fighting back!

"Toushi what the H311 are you doing!?!?!" I shouted.

"My gear is jammed..." He said. He didn't even look at us. I looked at (Y/N) and I saw her trying to go faster to get to Toushi, whilst trying to dodge the titans going after her as well. Seems her gear is done for too.

"Help her..." Said Toushi. "If i'm here, I'll be a distraction... Get (Y/N) and seal the wall."

As much as I hated it... He was right, this is what we needed to do.

"Hey, don't worry... Not like I was gonna live much longer anyway.. What, with this sickness and all... See ya soon... Ajax..."

And with that, the titan bit down. He was gone... 

I felt nothing but anger inside of me.

"Go! Go now! I'll clear the way Eren!"

And, before we knew it... We sealed the wall. Last I checked, Levi went and got (Y/N).

----------------------------Time skip, Next day still Damions POV--------------------------------------------------

Last I checked, (Y/N) was still in the infirmary... Levi hasn't left her side the whole time... Man, I wish them the best, escpecially in a world like this...

Other than that, because of Toushi's death...

Our squad has been really....


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