A/N- Finishing anime and such

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Okay, sorry, this is not a chapter update, but I am about to go on a fangirling rant, you don't have to read it if you don't want to, I just have to get this out!!!

I have just recently finished Your Lie in April. I know, I'm sure a lot of people have finished it already. But sometimes, there are those anime that you start, but then another anime comes out.

You end up watching the other anime that comes out, and completely forget about the one you were watching.

But today, I have FINALLY finished it!

And I'd just like to say:


It was great!!!!!!!!

On another note:

Sometimes, you don't have access to some anime that you really want to watch.

I have gotten an app called ZingBox on my phone. It is a manga app. It has many, MANY manga on it, and it's for free!

Like I said before, sometimes you can't watch an anime that you really want to watch. When that happens, I usually end up reading the manga instead.

That said, I have been reading Kuroko no Basket. It is also really amazing!!!

Anyways, if you read this, you're awesome.(heck, you're awesome anyways!)

I thank you all for reading this book!

I have no idea where I'd be without the support that I get.

Some people are like: yeah, I've got 123456789 followers.

I'm like: yeah! I've got like 9 followers! How cool is that! (Sorry, not meaning to guilt-trip!)

I'd also like to mention that I'm a lonely otaku. I live in a town that literally has like 2 streets! Anyway, I would love to have someone to fangirl with as well!

But again, even if it's just a little, I thank you all for sticking with this story this far!

~Cya meh Readers! Thanks for reading!

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