Chapter 3, Stuck with Another Squad

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It had been a few hours since you had "taken care" of those titans that were rushing the wall.

Right now, both your squad and the special operations squad were heading back to your garrison HQ.

"And this, is the dining hall." Damion finished the little tour he was giving everyone. your squad was currently staying at a smallish type of castle in the middle of no where, away from the rest of the garrison.

This was because you were sort of like the garrison's special operations squad in their own way. Though, it was far from special treatment.

The beds were hard, the food tasted horrible, and the place could really use some cleaning! (Of course Levi noticed this.)

:Later, you are all sitting around a rectangular table in the dining hall:

"I'm sure you're wondering why I have had your squad meet the special operations squad, Captain (l/n)?"

You shrugged and crossed your arms.

You honestly didn't really care. Though Pixus took this as a sign to continue.

"I want to transfer your squad to the survey corps so you can team up with them." Pixus said whilst signaling to the survey corps.

"Well, then we could at least leave the walls legally." Stated Damion. Yes, it is true that your job wasn't exactly legal, but you all knew that, and you didn't really care either.

Pixus looked at you, then at Erwin. There seemed to be a silent agreement between the two.

Just then, both commanders left the room. The door clicked and you knew that was the lock. Crap. They've locked you in with The special operations squad.

You started spacing off trying to think of how you would get your revenge. Or even better, how you would get out of there. Because of this, Eren gave you a confused look.

---------------------------------Later that night--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Everyone was asleep now. You never really slept. You're sort of an insomniac. The captain of the other squad that you've come to know as Levi wasn't asleep either.

While you were looking out of the window, he was leaning against the same wall with his arms crossed and one foot on the wall behind him. His eyes were closed and his head was down but he wasn't asleep.

"So I guess this means that our squads will be working together then." you said. Levi merely grunted in response.

You didn't like this.

You only muttered something rude. What you said was, "An answer would be nice."

Though apparently, He heard you for he looked up at you with a murderous glare. You didn't care though because he didn't scare you.

You didn't expect what happened next though. "Sorry." He muttered under his breath.

He came over and sat next to you.

The two of you talked for most of the night.

------------------------------------The next morning--------------------------------------------------------------------

You woke up with Levi's arm draped around your waste. You blushed but was too afraid to move.

When you looked around the room everyone else was still asleep. You really hope that Damion wouldn't give you crap about this later.



Hey guys! I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner! I will do my best to keep them coming though! I really hope your enjoying so far!

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