A Perverted Dream

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"(Y/N),  stay with me a little longer... Please... I need you..." Levi said as you were trying to get out of the bed you two were currently in. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest.

"Fine, I'll stay a while longer." You said.

Levi began to plant kisses all over your body, and then...

You opened your eyes to find yourself in a small room. You were on a bed and, currently, blushing madly.

I can't believe that I just had that kind of dream! You thought to yourself.

You had honestly thought of Levi as nothing more than a kid. (He certainly is the size of one!) The way he would stay up all the time, or how he would get all moody...

You sit up only to be greeted by a gigantic headache. You winced at the pain. A nurse walked into the room.

"Good, your awake! I'll go tell your group!"

Not long after, your squad ran in to greet you. 

It was a shock to learn that Toushi didn't make it. But, you knew he would want you to live on and fight for humanity.

"So... how long have I been out?" You asked.

"About a week." said someone at the door. Someone who could be known as none other than... Levi...

You started blushing madly, remembering your dream.

Cana saw you blushing, and also being a girl, knew that something was up. Woman's intuition if you will!

Cana cleared her throat. "Well, I think we should get back to our job." She stated all of a sudden. Motioning for you squad to leave.

Leaving the room empty except for you... and Levi...

"You can go if you want to..." You said nervously.

"Are you kidding me?" Levi said. He started walking towards you and put his hands on your cheeks. "You've been out for a week. The nurse is really busy, i'll get some food and water. You must be really hungry. It's been a week after all-"

You interrupted him by pushing him away from you.

"No! No! I'm fine! perfectly fine!" You said. Even though you were trying to act calm, you failed miserably. And you could tell that your blush was getting darker.

Levi rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. "I'm just going to go get your food. Shut up and don't go anywhere." He said.

a while later, he returned with some food and water. Even though you were nervous because of your dream, you had no problem scarfing down the stale bread and dusty water.

Levi said nothing, but simply sat back in a chair by the bed with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

It wasn't until he sat down like that, that you noticed how tired he seemed.

"Why don't you get some sleep. It'll just be me here..." You said. He looked at you confusedly. But, it wasn't until you gave him a reassuring smile that he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

(Time Skip- 30 min. later)

After you had finished eating. You laid down, hoping you headache would go away. 

You turned your back to Levi. But not for long. 

Before long, you found yourself facing him again.

You snapped your fingers. He didn't even flinch.

You took a deep breath. "Levi. I'm only going to say this once. And, I'm saying this now, because if I were to say it to you while you were awake, I think it might be scarier than facing a titan." You took another deep breath before you continued. "I... I think.. I think I love you." You were silent for a while. "I know, you don't think that there should be time for something like love in this world... but... If it were a different world... I wonder how things would turn out?"

You smiled to yourself before turning back over on your side away from Levi. And soon, you found sleep.

 After he made sure you were asleep, Levi opened his eyes and just stared at you. Then he said: 

"If this were a different world. One where there were no chances of us dying everyday... Then I'd pick you up in my arms and kiss you... And who knows... Maybe... I'll do it in this world too..."

He then stood up and walked out of the room. Closing the door quietly behind him.

After he closed the door... You couldn't help but smile...



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a while! I am really busy right now! But I hope to get back on the ball soon and write much, much more!

See ya later!

Hope you have a good day! 

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