Missing and Lost

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"They're back!" Shouted an anonymous soldier of the scouts

You and Nathan quickly jumped out of your seats and ran out of the mess hall.

You both met Levi who was already outside, watching as the horses with their riders came running back to the HQ.

Most of the soldiers looked bloodied and beaten, but it seemed as if the expedition was a success.

Except for one thing... Where was Cana?

You could tell that Nathan was thinking the same thing.

Levi- noticing your distress- spoke up. "Name the dead and missing." He ordered.

The soldier who was in charge turned to face Levi. He then began announcing who was dead and who was missing.

"There were only three dead. Brianna Thomson, Simon Tate, and Stephan Sommer." 

You shook your head, obviously not worried about the dead at the moment.

"There was only one person missing. Cana Danvers."

You and Nathan looked at each other in agreement. Levi rolled his eyes when you did because he knew both of you were probably planning something stupid.

And, he wasn't wrong.

You and Nathan both started towards the stables as soon as  it cleared up from the people that just got back.

"Nathan. You shouldn't go." Said Levi as he watched the both of you saddle up your horses.

"I have to. You'd do the same if it was (Y/N)." He said.

Levi sighed. "Then I guess I have no choice." Levi walked straight up to Nathan.

"Nathan Veturia. I order you to stay behind. I'll take your place. I have reason to believe that your emotions will get in the way. The most deaths I can take today is one. Though I'd rather have none." He mutters the last part.

Nathan looked frustrated, but he seemed to understand Levi's logic. "Fine. But you better return with Cana. And both of you better be alive." 

And with that, Nathan walked out of the stables.

You continued saddling up your horse. Levi opened his mouth to say something, but you stopped him before that was possible.

"She is my friend... No, my family. I let her brother die. I let Toushi die... I'm not about to just sit here and let her die as well."

Levi nodded, knowing that there was nothing he could say to stop you.

Once you both got your horses ready (It took you a little longer because you hate horses) you both headed off to the walls.

"They might not let us out. Do you have a plan?" You asked.

"If they won't let us out, I'll make them. If I have to, I can alert Eyebrows (Eyebrows is Erwin just in case you didn't know.... Though I'm sure most of you do!) of the situation. He'd get us through. I also know the route that they took on the expedition." Said Levi.

There was a moment of silence, except for the sounds of the horses.

Breaking the silence, you decided to speak up again. "Hey Levi?"

Levi answered with a simple "Hmm?"


"For what?" He asked.

"You have no idea how you've changed my world... Without you... I'd be lost." His attention turned towards you.

"The same goes for me as well.." He said. It was your time to look at him.

He was already looking ahead as he rode his horse and talked.

You took this chance to take in all of his features as he spoke.

"Without you, i'd be lost.... All those sleepless nights... Those bad memories, they disappear when you're around. I need you... no... We need each other. So that we won't become lost... Just like we have to save Cana. So Nathan won't get lost."

His last words brought you back to reality. 

Right... Cana... Hold on. I know you're alive. We're coming! Just hold on!

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