The Worst Luck

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I have the worst luck. You thought to yourself.

You were currently heading for the gigantic trees where everyone else was. Except, they had horses, and you didn't.

Why wouldn't they pick you up? You may ask. Well, that's because none of them can see you. They are at least a hundred yards away from you.

And worse, there are giant, man-eating monsters who don't wear clothes on your tail.

There weren't any trees around to use your ODM gear, so all you could do was run to the giant forest where there is.

And, all of your smoke and your smoke gun is gone because the horse (Which was holding it) ran away! Just perfect!

You could hear the sounds of the titans catching up behind you.

I have to make it. I have to live! You thought.

(Levi's POV)

One of the worst parts about my rank, is that I have to stay by Eren in the middle of the formation, with everyone surrounding us.

And, to top it all off, I can't stop thinking about her. All I can do is hope that she's alright, and that she'll make it out alive.

"We'll be in the forest soon. I can see it up ahead." I called back to the people behind me.

It wasn't long before we arrived to the forest. Most of everyone else was there as well. Except for her.

I felt despair come over me as I dismounted. Everyone was in the trees except for Hanji's squad which was busy leading a titan into the forest for capture.

We are to remain here, to make sure not too many other titans follow.

Once I reached the branch, I looked out from the forest.

The scenery is always great outside the wall.

But, then, something caught my eye. In the distance, I could see someone running, they must have lost their horse. But it isn't long before I see their beautiful (H/C) hair that I realize who it is.


I quickly look into the branches to see if her squad sees her too.

They do. They have gathered together on branches near each others. All of them looking at her.

Their orders are to remain here. But, I can tell how badly they want to help her.

But, as if on cue with my thoughts, Nathan jumped from the tree. He didn't even bother getting his horse and started running out to her. Damion and Cana soon followed. Then, so did I.

When we reached her, I could see the panic on her face. She also looked very worn out and tired. She must have been running a long way.

I quickly got my gear ready and zoomed towards the first titan, instantly killing it. Damion and Nathan joined me.

Cana and (Y/N) took this time to escape. And as soon as they made it to the trees, we made a break for it as well. None of us looked behind. We just kept running.

And as soon as we reached a high branch in the tree, I took a deep breath. 

"DAMION!!!!" I heard Cana scream and quickly whipped my head around.

But the horror I saw...

(Back to narrator POV)

You looked down at the cue of Cana's scream and saw Damion hanging upside down, with a whole leg inside of a titans mouth. Tears of pain and despair were falling from his eyes.

He quickly stabbed the titan in the cheeks with both of his swords, but he knew he couldn't do anything from that angle.

You quickly went down to help on your ODM gear.

No. Not again. I can't loose you too! You thought.

You quickly sliced the titan's nape. Damion fell from the titan's mouth, but his whole leg was missing.

You quickly picked him up and brought him back to the trees.

Please live! You thought.

(Time skip: Time to head home)

Damion's leg had been wrapped. But he was really weak. It was now time to head home, and they put him on a wagon with some other injured soldiers.

Everyone from the Survey Corpse was heading back in one big group now. Apparently, the mission had failed. The titan they captured wasn't secure enough, and they were forced to kill it.

(Cana's POV)

I was currently riding my horse right next to the wagon. Right next to my brother. He will no longer be able to fight. Not when he's missing a leg.

".... C-- Cana...." Damion stirred a little. He sounded so weak.

"Yeah, Damion? I'm right here." I answered back.

"We've... We've come a long way... right?" He asked me.

"Of course we have. And we have a long way to go." He has to make it back. He just has to.

I noticed Levi, (Y/N), and Nathan look our way while we talked. They were definitely listening.

"You never wanted to join... right?" asked Damion.

"...... Not at first. But I'm glad I did!" 

".....I.... I'm sorry." 

"Don't be. With the people I've met. The friends I've made.... There is no need to be sorry, Damion." I said. I won't allow him to feel guilty.

"Mom.... she was so mad, when we said we wanted to join...." Damion continued.

"Yeah. She's probably just scared is all." I said to reassure him.

"So... We made the right... right choice?" Asked Damion.

"Definitely." I answered.

"........... Th-thank..... Thank you................" That was all that Damion said.

"Damion?.... Damion?" I felt despair in the pit of my stomach. I didn't look at him through this whole conversation. And now, I'm afraid to look. But, I still, reluctantly, turned my head. So did the people listening. I could hear (Y/N) gasp.

In the wagon, was my brother. He had his wings of freedom cloak covering him. But his eyes looked straight at the beautiful, blue sky. Unblinking. His whole body, was still.

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