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The court room was... interesting... to say the least.

It seemed very nice, considering the situation humanity was in. Stupid rich people.

You currently stood between Levi and Erwin. Even as they walked Nathan in wearing chains, all you could feel was disgust.

It's not like he's a titan shifter. You thought to yourself. In fact, with every conversation you'd had that day, your mind would always be saying something different than your mouth.

"The court will now begin." Said the judge. You felt a sinking feeling in your stomach as you saw that this WASN'T the same judge that Eren had. 

In fact, this was a guy who was in league with the military police. What was his name again? Oh well.

Nathan sat quietly.

"Nathan Veturia. You must tell the truth. Lying will only get you killed." Spoke the judge.

Nathan didn't even look up when he spoke. "Yes." was his simple answer.

He must think he's screwed. You thought. I'll get you out of this... somehow...

"So, there have been many reports about your past. One of them being that you lied about where you were from in training camp, and that you're really from the underground. Is this true?" You wanted to kick the judge really hard so you could get rid of his smug look.

They continued to question Nathan about his past for quite a while to the point where you couldn't take it anymore.

"Sir?" You spoke up. Everyone's attention turned towards you.

"If I may, why are you only questioning Nathan?" You decided to call them out on it.

"Sir. I have the answer to her question." One of the MP's said. He pulled out  paper to read yet another report.

"It says here that Nathan Veturia's first choice was the military police. Unlike you, who grew up with him in the underground, he never had any intention of helping humanity."

"Neither have you." You said it. And now it was too late. But hey, everyone accidentally blurts something out sometimes, right? But you knew that since you started, you would have to finish it, and try not to get Nathan killed in the process. 

You took a deep breath before continuing to speak.

"You are saying that even though he became a soldier, he didn't want to help humanity, so he must be a criminal. I fail to see the logic." It seemed you had them stumped. 

The man looked defeated. Then he looked at you. "Look... we didn't bring you in because..." You saw his gaze flicker to Levi.

That's when it hit you. They didn't bring you to court because of your close relations with Humanity's Strongest.

Those stupid basta-

Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice. Everyone's attention then turned to the owner of that voice. Nathan.

He was laughing. It took him a little effort to stop laughing enough to speak, but he pulled through. "It's kind of funny, right? Sitting in the middle of the room while everyone else decides your fate. It seems to contradict Cana's words. She always says that we are in control of our own fate." Nathan looked at you when he said this.

It took a moment, but then you realized that Nathan had sorted his thoughts, and he has thought of a way out.

It didn't take long for you to realize Nathan's clue.


"Sir. I have something to add. If I may." The judge looked at you and gestured for you to continue.

"Well. You see, down in the underground, you do anything you can to survive. But, that doesn't mean you aren't human. After Nathan and I escaped, we joined the army in hopes of some sort of change. And that change happened." Everyone's attention was back on you. You noticed that Nathan was smiling because he knew you caught on.

You continued. "That change is something that happens with every human being. When we're kids, we despise it. But, as we grow older, it becomes a huge part of our life. Something that nobody can deny. Something that everyone fights for."

"And what may that be?" Asked the judge.

You didn't move your head, but your eyes found their way towards Levi. His found their way towards your eyes as well.

You answered the judge. "Love." Levi smirked a little bit. You smiled at him before turning your attention back to the judge.

"It's love. Nathan has found it as well. Her name is Cana Danvers. Doesn't this mean he's innocent? At least he's as innocent as everyone else in this room? All he has done is what everyone else in this room has. He has survived. He has loved. I ask that you take that into account."

The judge gave a look of defeat. He raised his gavel and hit his table three times. "Nathan Veturia. You have been deemed "not guilty." You are free to go."


Everyone was back in the survey corpse HQ. While everyone else was inside talking to Nathan and asking him questions, you and Levi were outside sitting under a tree.

"Wow. To think THE (Y/N) (L/N) would say something that sappy." You rolled your eyes and punched Levi in the shoulder. You then put your head on the area that you hit.

"... I meant it though..." Levi put an arm around you after you said this.

"...I love you too." Your eyes widened in shock. Did he really just say that?

Yes. Yes he did.

"By the way... I remember earlier, you said that you read the files about Nathan's and my past?"

"Well, sometimes people get curious." Levi's answer was simple, but it made you laugh.

"Hehehe.. Stalker." 

Levi tch'd and pulled you closer.


You continued to laugh through most of the night.

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