Lending a Shoulder

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You threw your fist at the brick wall with all of your might. Were you angry? Were you sad? You didn't really know.

Toushi lost his life when you were in trouble, and now Damion. It just wan't fair!

He had a home, and a family.... Oh no.... What am I going to tell his family? You thought to yourself.

You couldn't just make Cana do it. Besides, she hasn't come out of her room since the expedition. And that was about 3 days ago.

You decided to leave the alley of the town where you had just had your break-down, and head back to the Scout's HQ.

When you got there, you went straight to your room without saying a word. Which didn't go unnoticed by a certain ravenette.

Once in your room (And Levi's since everyone had to share with someone else), you slammed the door behind you. You went to your bed and sat with your head in your hands. 

You wouldn't cry. You refused to. But that didn't last long for you started to feel the warm, salty tears roll down your cheeks.

You heard a knock on your door. "Go away!" You shouted. 

"Tch, I even knocked on my own door, but now, I'm not allowed to even come in?" Said a familiar voice on the other side. Though, as soon as Levi spoke, he had already opened the door and was walking to your side.

He sat down next to you. He didn't touch you or say anything. He just sat there and let you cry. After a while though, you got a little irritated.

"What do you want, Levi?" You finally asked through your tears.

He sighed and put an arm around your shoulders. "It's not easy being a squad leader. But, they are necessary for humanity's survival. They have to be strong, both physically and mentally. But, not grieving over a fallen comrade is impossible if you're human. So, as squad leaders, we have to hide it."

Your tears stopped falling. Something about his presence would stop your sadness, even if only for a little bit. 

Levi turned to look at you. "I'll go with you to tell Damion's family. I'll be there when you cry, I'll catch you when you fall, Hell, I'll follow you into a titan's mouth if I have to!"

You smiled. Levi grabbed you into a hug, and you hugged back.

(Time skip- Wall Sina)

You felt a lump in your throat. But, the closer you got to Cana's parents' house, the bigger the lump felt.

And, once the house came into view, you felt like you were going to puke. Levi reached over and squeezed your hand for reassurance.

Like he promised, Levi came with you to break the news to Cana's and Damion's parents. You both walked up to a door on a nice looking house that sat in the wealthy town. Why Cana and Damion would leave a place like this in the first place will probably forever remain a mystery.

Levi knocked on the door and it didn't take long for some to answer it.

Both Cana's and Damion's mother and father stood before you. "Yes? Is there anything we can help you with?" Asked their mother.

You were about to speak, but the lump in your throat returned, and you could no longer talk.

Levi glanced at you before speaking. "Is this Mr. and Mrs. Danvers? Parents of Damion and Cana Danvers?" His eyes went dark when he spoke. This was definitely no easy task.

"Yes, we are." Answered the mother, a little weary now.

"I'm sorry to say, that your son, Damion, has fallen in battle. He fought bravely for humanity until the very  end." You gave them the patch from Damion's uniform.

Damion's mother fell to her knees, and his father just stared at the ground. They both had tears in their eyes. "T-thank y-you for telling us..." He said. He shut the door.

There was nothing more that the two of you could do. So you went back to your horses.

You both rode back to the HQ in silence, with only the pain of sadness in your hearts.

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