An Expedition?!?!

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It has been little bit since you have woken up and everything has started to calm down, until........

"We will be departing on a expedition early tomorrow morning." Said Erwin.

Crap. No no no no no, no, no... no no no! You thought. I don't wanna go out there! 

You were not a fan of expeditions.

Or more likely, you were not a fan of horses. (Sorry if you are! I'm doing this for the story!)

"We have one day to prepare.... Wait... ONE DAY?!!!?!?" Eren was starting to freak out so you went a slapped the back of his head.

"Cool it, hot-head." You said. You were trying to sound cool considering you were his superior. "One day should be enough. All we need are horses and flare guns anyways!" You continued.

"She's right ya know! Besides, the titans are beautiful specimens! I can't wait to get my hands on one!" Hanji came up behind you almost scaring you to death.

You swore that if the titans didn't kill you, then it would be Hanji that did.

"C'mon, (Y/N)! We need to go check the horses and make sure they're ready for tomorrow!" Said Hanji.

And  with that, you left the group of people talking about the expedition and went with Hanji to the stables.

(Time skip: In the Stable with Hanji [god help us all])

You and Hanji had been in the stables for a while now. You were currently checking up on and tending to the horses.

"So... (Y/N)... You seem to have been avoiding Levi lately..." Said Hanji, much to your dismay. Somehow, you knew she would bring this up.

"Leave me alone, Hanji." You said bluntly. You were not going to have any of this. Nope nope, nopedy, nope nope nope.

"Oh, c'mon! (Y/N)! Something happened right! Something happened. I know something happened." Hanji had on the face she had when she was looking at a titan.

"Tch. Nothing happened." Said a certain stoic voice that you knew all too well.

Your heart started beating double-time now. You didn't like it. Hanji was right. You were avoiding him. You hated how your heart started beating so fast when he was around. You just wanted that feeling to go away. You knew you liked him... but you didn't like that feeling.

"Um..." You started. "I, um, I gotta go--"

"With me to help with some paperwork." Levi interrupted you. 

He grabbed your hand and started walking out of the stables and to the main building. Leaving a squealing Hanji behind.

Until she remembered that both of you had to tend to the horses and without you there, it would be just her, and a very late night!

She soon gave chase. Though, you and Levi were already gone.


You and Levi were in his office right now. And, he wasn't kidding when he said that you were going to help with paperwork. 

You both were currently sitting on opposite sides of his desk busy with the paperwork.

Everything was quiet and awkward.

After a while, Levi got up from his seat. Without saying anything, he came over to your side.

You couldn't help but look at him. But, that was a mistake. He saw you looking at him, and got closer to you.

"The expedition is tomorrow." He stated.

You were in a trance, so all you could reply with was: "Yeah."

"Either of us might not make it back.... " He continued.


"Have you talked with your squad yet? They might be nervous." 

"Yea- wait. NO!!!!" You hadn't. Who knows how worried they were. They would be leaving the walls for the first time!

"Crap, um, sorry, but I've gotta go-" You were just getting up to leave when Levi grabbed your hand.

Levi didn't say anything. Your heart started beating faster and faster.

He pulled you closure and closer until your lips weren't even a centimeter apart.

Then he kissed you. A slow kiss. Your heart felt like it was going to break out of your chest.

But, the need for air made you both pull away.

"I wanted to do that... In case I don't see you again." Levi continued. "I won't make you promise me... It's impossible to promise that you'll live till tomorrow. But... But try. Try to live. Live and come back to me."

You nodded. Then you turned to find your team.

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