Bringing a Monster to the Courtroom

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Cana and some other soldiers had just left for their special expedition.

Both you and Nathan were standing together as everyone from the scouts watched them leave.

All you could feel was worry.

"She'll be fine." Stated Nathan to calm your nerves.

"...yeah." Even if you tried not to, you still sounded worried. You had already lost over half (sorry Marco, but the word 'half' was necessary) of your old team.

Thinking back, you thought it was rather funny how yours and Levi's teams were supposed to be put together. Now, its mostly Levi's team that remains.

Nathan and you stood there until you could no longer see Cana's horse in the distance.

"Alright, I'm going to go train. Try not to worry too much." And with that, it was just you. Levi was busy with paperwork so you couldn't bother him. That left you to yourself. Absolutely alone.

You sighed. Without any of my friends here, it is rather thought to yourself.

You started walking around the scouts HQ until you realized you had walked to Levi's office. You thought about going in, but decided against it when you saw commander Erwin walking towards Levi's office door.

Erwin stopped in front of you. "I guess you better come in for this as well." Erwin's words confused you, but you could tell by the look on his face that it was serious.

You nodded and followed him inside.

Levi sat at his desk with a lot of paperwork. So much paperwork, that you started feeling sorry for him, but also relieved that you weren't in his shoes right now.

"What do you want?" Asked Levi looking at Erwin.

Erwin's face was still serious when he answered.

"It seems the higher ups have caught wind of (Y/N) and Nathan's past." Both you and Levi seemed equally shocked.

"Who gave them that information?" You asked.

" the military police were the one's that gave them the information. But the weird thing is, they're not asking to bring (Y/N) into court. They are just asking to bring Nathan."

This confused both you and Levi.

"Why just Nathan?" Asked Levi.

"That, I do not know the answer to." Answered Erwin.

"So they want to bring Nathan to court..." you repeated this to yourself over and over trying to get the idea in your head. It was just really unbelievable and... absolutely stupid!

"When?" You asked.

"Tomorrow in wall Sina. It seems that they are going to bring him into the same courtroom as Eren.

"So... they're going to treat him like a monster?" You asked.

"Seeing as it's the higher ups who have requested this, then we don't really have a choice." Stated Erwin. Then, he turned around and left without another word.

You sighed. How could this be happening? How did the MP get that information? As you were trying to sort out your thoughts, Levi stood up.

"I'll inform Nathan." He patted your shoulder before leaving the room.

Cana won't be able to be there. The expedition is supposed to last three days.... you spent the whole rest of the night thinking about what would happen.

The next day, you were really tired.

You looked over to the other side of the room, but you noticed that Levi was already gone.

You sighed and got out of bed.

You opened the door to your room and headed to the mess hall.

Everyone was eating quickly so that they could hurry up to the carriages going to Sina.

Nathan, of course, had already left. Right now, he was probably in a holding cell.

You shook your head and smacked your cheeks a couple of times to get your thoughts in order.

Then, you scarfed down your food and started towards the carriages outside.

You climbed into an empty one towards the end and sat there.

After a moment, Levi climbed into the same carriage and sat right across from you.

"It'll be okay. I've seen the documents and most files about your past from Pixus. Most of them were altered. They shouldn't have anything too serious. It'll be fine." He outstretched his hand towards you.

You took his hand before you spoke.

"Yeah... somehow, I'm not too sure about that..."

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