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(Regular POV)

You had reached the clearing where the horses were. All you had to do was ride to the walls. And since it was night, you wouldn't be bothered by any titans.

However, you were all alert, just in case.

Cana got on the same horse as you, leaving the two of you to go back to the walls with Levi as your guide, who was on the other horse.

The ride was silent. It seemed to you that Levi and Cana were both acting strange.

You already felt guilty when you realized that you never took your turn for keeping watch. Levi stayed up the whole time while you were all waiting for night to fall.

That was his only chance to sleep. You noticed how both Cana and Levi look tired.

At this point, you were worried that one of them would fall off their horse. You were more worried for Levi, however, because he was on his own horse. At least Cana had you to make sure she didn't fall.

But on the other hand... this horse doesn't seem to like you very much... he keeps snorting and whinnying at you. It did on the ride up as well...

Geez... why does this horse look like it wants to run me right into a titan's mouth? That was your constant thought throughout the whole ride.

It took what felt like hours until the wall came into view. But honestly, even though you were super scared, you also felt a little disappointed as you headed back.

Levi shot off a flare. Hopefully, some soldiers patrolling the wall would see it.

And luckily, the gate was open upon your arrival. And it was shut right behind your entry.

You let out a sigh of relief that you didn't even know you were holding.

Without stopping, the three of you went straight for the scout's HQ. it was already sunrise by the time you got there.

There were many sounds of shock and amazement upon seeing Cana return.

Nathan ran out from the onlookers and grabbed Cana into a tight hug. You glanced over at Levi, but you were filled with shock at what you saw.

Levi was glaring at Nathan. It was a murderous glare.

You were confused. Why would he be acting like that?

You felt your stomach drop, and you knew that something wasn't right.

But you couldn't exactly put your finger on it.

You handed the reins off to a random cadet who had offered to take them. As did Levi. And with that, you both silently walked to your shared living quarters.

Down all the halls, through the door, all of it. All of it was silent.

As soon as you got into your room, you grabbed some clothes that weren't a uniform and was getting ready to head to the showers.

But, before you reached the door, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around you.

You decided that this was the right time to point out his odd behavior.

However, just when you were about to speak, Levi beat you to the punch.

"Hey..." his warm breath tickled your neck as he continued to speak. "You're with me. Right? No matter what, even if a certain friend fell in love with you, you'd stay with me?"

(Levi's POV)

I couldn't stop myself from asking her. Because, for the first time in a long time, I felt a bit of worry.

But, all of my bad thoughts were put to an end very quickly.

And the thing that stopped those bad thoughts, was the sound of her laughter.

When I asked that question, she laughed.

And she won't stop laughing. Until finally, I scoff in annoyance.

"Alright, alright! I'm sorry! But why? Why would you ask such a question?" She still had to fight through her laugher just to speak.

I instantly let go of her and started to walk away. However, I can't help but feel relieved.

"Tch, idiot." And with that, I continued walking to the mess hall.

As I was walking, I felt her hand creep it's way around my own.

I instantly grabbed onto her hand, and was afraid to let go. We continued walking like that.

"But, to answer your question," she started. "I wouldn't do anything to tarnish this happiness. In a world like this, a person can't afford to do so. Besides, I'm sure that friend will fall for somebody else over time. They'll have to... because I already found someone."

I held her hand tighter.

Right... I have nothing to worry about.

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