Someone Else

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Levi's POV

(Y/N) and I have been in the woods outside of the walls for three hours now. This whole time, (Y/N) has done nothing but insist on how Cana is still alive.

Out of everyone from (Y/N)'s whole squad, I always thought that she and Cana seemed the closest. Even though she grew up with Nathan. It was just something that I can't even really explain or even understand.

Then again, I know what it's like to loose someone really close to you. (If you haven't seen Attack on Titan: No Regrets, I suggest you do.It's Great! However, it won't change the story if you don't...)

As (Y/N) and I are looking through the forest of giant trees, we both spot something, or rather someone, on a tree.

"Cana!" I hear (Y/N) shout out.

The person stands up. I could see a look of relief on her face.

We both quickly land on the same branch that Cana is on.

"What happened!?" I could tell that (Y/N) was freaking out.

"Well..." Both my and (Y/N)'s attention turned to Cana, ready for an explanation. "We were just about to leave when an abnormal popped up out of no where. It separated a few of us. The others with me were getting ready to go around, when some other titans showed up. I offered to fend them off, while everyone else escaped. But honestly, I thought that I was just going to be left here... My gear is already broken..."

"C'mon, Cana. We have some horses tied up at the end of the forest. There's so many branches that we can just jump along them to get there. Besides, Both Levi and I have our gear, we'll catch you if you fall." (Y/N) said this with great assurance. 

"However," I stepped in. "I think we should wait until dark. The titans won't be active then. For now, we should get some rest. I'll keep first watch." 

The two girls nodded. And thus, we began our wait for nightfall.

(Timeskip- almost nightfall)

I was supposed to trade places with (Y/N) a while ago, but I knew I was never going to get to sleep anyway.

So far, there have been several titans who have come and scratched at the trees, but nothing of major importance.

"Levi..." I look over and see Cana. She was sitting with her back against the tree. her legs were held to her chest.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Do... Do you think we're gonna make it back?" She asked. 

"Well..." I glance at (Y/N) who was sprawled out on the tree next to the one we were on. "(Y/N) seems determined. I say it's very likely we make it back. Besides, you have Nathan waiting for you back home."

"Yeah.. Nathan... Why didn't he come?" Asked Cana.

"I told him to stay. He was freaking out. He'd probably get himself killed."

Cana giggled. "That seems sort of out of character for Nathan."

I nod at her words.

It's silent for a while, until Cana continues. "You know... Nathan... He used to love her..." Cana motioned towards you.

I was a little surprised. However, I wasn't nervous or anything because I knew that (Y/N) is with me, and Cana is with Nathan.

"You know..." Cana continued once more. "It was kind of funny, because, in the beginning, I was just like any of those other townspeople and soldiers who were your huge fangirls. Always giggling and gossiping about everything you did. I'm pretty sure I annoyed the heck out of (Y/N) with it. But, I always had my eyes on Nathan. And, he always had his eyes on (Y/N)..."

I looked at Cana, a little surprised, but I didn't say anything and let her continue. 

"Nathan always had his eyes on (Y/N), then you came along, and then she had her eyes on you. On that first night that we met, and we all got locked in together because of our commanders, I kept watching as Nathan was looking at (Y/N). How he watched the two of you talk..." Tears started rolling down her eyes.

"But he's with you now." I stated.

"But, you must have no idea how hard it is to be in love with someone who doesn't even realize that they're in love with someone else. Nathan THINKS that he was just lying to himself. He told me that he was wrong. And he is wrong. He's wrong every time he says he isn't in love with her."

Tears continued to fall down her face. She looked at me, trying to grab my attention.

"Levi! You've seen it too, right? Nathan..." Cana choked on her tears a little bit. "Nathan... He is in love with (Y/N)!"


Hey guys! So it's been a while! 

I would just like to say sorry for anything that seems rushed. A lot has been going on. For starters, I have some problem with my knee. It isn't a big deal, I only have to take some pills and go to physical therapy 3 times a week.

The REAL problem, is the fact that my dog has had to get surgery.

So, long story short, my dad is pissed about all of the money we have been spending lately, and basically, a lot of stuff has been going on!

I appreciate all of the reads I have gotten. My favorite time of the day is when I get the little time that I get to sit down and write. 

You have no idea how much I like to "escape the real world" with anime, fanfiction, and books!

So, this story is reaching it's ending, and I know, it doesn't have TONS of readers and such. But, I was thinking of doing a shout-out at the beginning of the next chapters until the end of this book!

Please let me know what you think in the comments! 


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