Chapter 2, Meeting the Special Operations Squad

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You continued to walk with your teammates. They looked a bit nervous. But you couldn't blame them. In fact, you felt a little nervous yourself.  What was going on?

Once you reached the area with the people from the survey corps and Pixus you asked. "So, what's all of this about?"

Pixus looked at you before answering. "This is the special operations squad."

You couldn't help but cringe at that. If this was the special operations squad, then that means you were standing with the people who decided to attack a female titan-shifter in the middle of a populated area. 

And worse, that means you were probably standing near a titan-shifter as well.

"Oi, brat, what's the face for." said a deep voice. You looked over to where the voice came from only to meet cold, dull eyes that meet your (e/c) ones.

You didn't have to answer, for Pixus answered everything for everyone.

"(y/n), I would like your team to continue the day like you normally would. The others here are only here to observe.  When word got out about your team, they took interest, and we are possibly talking about  a transfer."

Your eyes widened. Transfer? That would be amazing. You have always wanted to be a scout, but when the time came to make a choice, you started to doubt your own skills and ended up choosing the Garrison instead. You had been friends with Nathan since before your cadet years, but you met everyone else during them. Being your closest friends, they excepted your choice and joined with you.

You smile at Nathan as two abnormal titans appear into sight outside of the wall. You motion for him to kill them.

"Aww, can't I go? I would love to slice some flesh right now!" complained Damion.

you sighed. "The next one that comes around you can have, alright?" By then, you and your team had completely forgotten that you were being watched by the scouts. You were far too engrossed with your work to care.

Nathan zoomed down the wall on his ODM gear. One of the abnormal titans was directly below him now, looking at him as if he were a feast. 

Nathan quickly released his blades, as if he were going to switch them out. But instead he faced them downwards. Then, putting a foot on each one, he push down using his gas for extra momentum. Then he hooked his ODM gear to the wall as the blades zoomed straight into the titan's eyes. Blinding it. He then cut its nape with ease. 

The second one was a crawler. 

When you saw this, you motioned for Damion to go help. Damion zipped down on top of the titan's nape and cut it while it was distracted with Nathan.

None of you noticed, but everyone there from the survey corps looked on in awe. Except for on stoic little man, though he did seem impressed.

Nathan and Damion then came back up onto the safety of the walls. 

Just then, five abnormals came into view. Your teamed seemed surprised that five abnormals came in a group. But you simply held your hand in front of them, signaling them to stay. They knew that you were going to take on all five by yourself. 

Cana facepalmed at the thought, wondering how much bandages she was going to need.

you gave them a simple smile before going off the edge of the wall. Your (h/l) hair waving in the wind.

As soon as you got near the bottom, you used your ODM gear to swing outwardly. You had to be careful, there were not many trees or anything to your advantage. 

You remembered what some of the other soldiers at the Garrison said about you, 'more unpredictable than an abnormal.' 

At this you smiled. And almost as quickly as you got down there, you killed all five titans and had returned to the top. All onlookers gaping in awe. Even the short, stoic, ravenette corporal.


That's it for this one! I will write more soon! I hope you've been enjoying it so far!

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