Where Is Everybody!?

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(Damion's POV)

This was it. We are finally heading outside the walls! And (Y/N) thought we'd be nervous! Pffft! As if!

....Okay, maybe a little....

But, my sister is going out there. I have a reason to be worried...

Plus, I don't see her anywhere in the lineup.

The gate starts to open and I hear Erwin's call to start moving.

Honestly, I also feel a little excited. I mean, sure, there's no wall right behind me to return to... But, I get to kill as many titans that come near me! And I'm on the very edge of the left wing! That means I'll be one of the first ones to see the titans!

Okay, I might have a bit of an obsession with killing titans... But, there's just something so mesmerizing about one of my swords slicing open their skin... I remember, back at the garrison, I got called a demon for getting excited when we got to go kill titans.

My first choice obviously would've been the survey corpse, but when (Y/N) asked me to be apart of her squad, I couldn't turn it down.

I hope everyone else is doing alright. They should be! They're all really strong! Heck, (Y/N) was the strongest in the garrison before coming here! But, being the strongest in the garrison probably means nothing compared to the survey corpse...

No. They'll be fine. No questions asked!

I can hear the sound of a titan's footsteps to my left. I look over and see that it's nothing more than a 10 meter. Not even an abnormal. Boring.

I get my flare out and shoot up the red smoke for the other people. I watch for a moment to make sure that the message gets carried on before getting the triggers on my ODM gear.

I quickly shoot up and latch onto an arm of the titan, swing around, and slice its nape.

I quickly get back on my horse.

How boring... And here I thought this would be fun...

Just as I thought that, an abnormal titan appeared on my right.

Well, it might be boring...

(Cana's POV)

Man, I threw up twice before we left. Yet, here I am. I wish I could take a sick-leave... And take everyone from (Y/N)'s squad with me...

I didn't even want to join the army in the first place. But Damion wanted to, and I promised our parents I would look after him. Our family is from within the wall Sina, and our dad is a very successful merchant.

We had lots of money there, we could live without a worry, and yet here I am!

I don't really hate it here though. Damion looks so happy. I can't take that away from him. And, I think that transferring to the survey corpse had a good impact on everyone.

(Y/N) has been smiling a lot more... Not to mention how she gets all flustered with Levi around.

My brother gets along well with everyone, and has made new friends and comrades.

Even Nathan seems happy. Although, he spends most of his time watching (Y/N). I hope that nothing bad will break (Y/N) and Nathan's friendship apart... They've been friends for so long.

Toushi... Ajax.... If you both could see us now... How would you feel... Would you be smiling?

We've definitely come a long way.

I used to think that all of us, including the two of you, were the ultimate team. But, maybe that was just before the ultimate team. Maybe... The ultimate team, has yet to form...

(Your POV)

Stuck. I'm still stuck... Maybe I should just go... I still have my ODM gear... I could make it to the treeline. That's where we were all going...

Yup. I'm going there. God help me. I have to see him again when this is done.

He may not know it. But I promised him. I promised Levi that I'd see him when this expedition was over.

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