Chapter 3: New York City!

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Before you read, I am too lazy to take him into Los Angeles, so please don't ask why he didn't go there, it was many hours after he got into Los Angeles, but don't worry, Hayden made it safely and had gotten onto the plane earlier then he did last time xD

.... Hours later....


After a few hours of flying over lands, seas and people, yes people, the second plane had landed into New York City and the people who were asleep on the plane were woken up by the screeching sounds of the wheels pressing onto the ground.

"Thank you everyone for joining Los Angeles airlines, please make sure you get all of your belongings off the plane and in the airport will be your luggage." The captain says over the loud speaker.

Hayden looks around to see that everyone was rushing to get out of the plane, but he turned back around to see that in the window he saw a few buildings of New York just in the distance of the airport.

"It's so beautiful..." He mumbled to himself. His dream had really come true, he is on the ground of New York City territory and that he had gotten to do something incredible.


The town looks so beautiful, I don't believe it, I thought it would be more dirty and blunt then this. I can see the town square in the distance from the airplane window and I reckon this is going to be the best place yet!

"Sir, you need to get out of plane now since we have landed," The captain looks to me and I nod sincerely.


"No No, don't say sorry it's perfectly fine. Let me guess, you have never been on a plane before?" He chuckles.

"Yeah actually." I unbuckled my belt and I get up from my seat.

"By the way, thank you for flying us." I smile and I start to walk towards the door.

"No worries kid, glad you enjoyed the flight." The captain walks away back to the front of the plane and he closes the door.

"Have a great day sir," The fly attendant says as I walk out.

"Thanks, you too." I say as I continue to walk down the tunnel to the airport.

...A few minutes later...


For the past half in hour has been easier than I thought it would be. I have received my luggage from the pick-up area, but I need to find my car that Ethel had brought for me. She said that it would be in the car park in the airport, but there is to many of them!
"Sir, are you Hayden Haddock?" I turned around to see a staff member with car keys in his left hand and a clip board in the other.

"Yes I am Hayden, how do you know-"

"I am the one who will be taking you to your new car." He throws me the keys and I smile.

"Thanks for letting me know," I catch the keys and I start to walk out of the airport with him.

"So I heard about your dad, I am sorry about that."

"How do you know about my dad being transferred?" I said, looking at him curious.

"I am Ethel's son Hayden, do you remember your cousin Ethan?" he says.

"Yes I do remember, wait that's you?!"

"Yeah it is! I have been waiting to see you for years! How have you been?" Ethan and I start to walk out of the airport towards the huge carpark.

"Aren't you supposed to be working right now though?"

"Yes I am working right now but my boss knew that you were coming so he insisted to help you to your car since it was dropped off here a couple of hours ago and I insisted to keep the keys and wait for you to arrive." Ethan grins as we stop in front of a brand new car.

"Here it is, your new car, and as a surprise your name is on your plates, it was my idea and Ethel agreed so enjoy it, and also." Ethan passes me a piece of paper and I looked to him confused.

"This is your address to your unit, make sure you don't get lost, but if you do just give me a call and I will help you around the area. But if you get seriously lost, I will come over to you, pretty embarrassing as I say so myself," He grins and starts to back away.

"Oh shut up and just get back to work," I chuckle as I unlock my car with my keys and I walk towards the boot and I start to throw my luggage into it.

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you later, bro." Ethan turns fully around and he starts walking away heading towards the airport and a smile spreads on my face. This is the best day ever! I finally got my first car and it's a good thing before dad got caught and was thrown into jail, I have received my learners, I have my 'P' plate.

I throw my last suitcase into the boot and I close it quickly, but I head towards the car door and I open it. It looks amazing and clean! The car has a few of my features and it also has a card on the passenger seat, that's really weird? Why would there be a card on the passenger seat? I'll look at it later, but I am going to quickly drive home so that I can see what it looks like since I am so keen to see what it looks like.

I quickly put the keys into its slot and I turn it to turn on the engine and the engine growls as loud as a dog growl. "I'm finally in New York City!" I say to myself and I drive out of the parking slot and I drive towards the exit of the airport.


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