Chapter 28: I Found Him...

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"Jack..." I whispered and Hayden looks at me dumbfounded.

"It can't be him, you know that." Hayden said and I cross my arms annoyed. It can be anyone, I know I didn't do it since I wasn't there at the time and Eret called me. "It can be anyone Hayden, even you." I said annoyed and he crosses his arms.

"Yeah right..." He said looking at me offended. He really doesn't know that Ally, just stay calm.

"I know that you probably didn't do it, but you need to know that I am going serious in this case, so you really should respect that!" I yelled, then walked out of the back and I headed towards the door, but I hear yells from the back.

"I KNOW ALLY! I AM ALWAYS GOING TO BE THERE FOR YOU!" Hayden said running out of the back towards me and I feel a hand brush mine. "I-I'm sorry... It's really hard especially with my mother.... I just want to find the man and if I have to, I will kill him or her..." I said scrunching up my fists until I felt a pair of lips brush mine for a couple of moments.

"Milady, I know how upset you are, but your a strong young women. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met, and I really think you should kill them. Even if it's your best friend." Hayden said when he pulled back and I just look to him in complete shock. "Y-You kissed me?" I say and he chuckles.

"You deserve that milady, now hurry up and get back to work. I will meet you at your house and we can continue the investigation." Hayden said and I feel my face heat up.

"Y-Yeah... I will see you this evening then..." I said, before walking away from him, going towards my car.

(I was being nice with my shippers xD But don't worry, there will be a bigger moment later xD)

A Few Minutes Later...

As I park the car, I started to get really annoyed, how come Jack hasn't talked to me after the funeral? That's definetly a clue to why he probably isn't here. 

"Eret! Are you home?" I said as I walk through the door and I put my jacket on the coat hanger but I don't hear an answer. He is probably on duty. After I put my stuff down, I started to walk down the dark hall towards my office, I continued to think. If Jack hasn't talked to me after the funeral, wouldn't that mean he is being suspicious or he could he just be staying away just to give me some space? I really don't know, I think I have to give him a call. 

I quickly walk into my office towards my desk which stored my home phone and computer and I start to dial Jack's number. "Hey Astrid." Jack says three dials after I call him. 

"Hey Jack, can we talk?" 

"Yeah of course, what for?" He asked and I bring my computer up which brings the system that I used at work. 

"The thing is, remember with that investigation that I was doing?" I said and I hear him gasp a little which started to get my extremely suspicious. "Y-Yeah I remember it, why?" He said nervously and I just look at my screen which contains his criminal history. 

"Is it okay if I ask you some questions?" I ask and I hear him starting to laugh nervously. 

"Uh... I am not avaliable right now, can we talk tomorrow?" He said and I growl under my breath. "Whatever..." I said before hanging up on him. I found him... 


Hey guys! Here's a new chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! It is a very small chapter, but the next few chapters are going to be longer and more intense! But I am officially on summer holidays so for the next 8 weeks I am going to try and finish all my fan fictions. 


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