Chapter 27: Harry Vane

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A few minutes later...


"Can we make a deal?"

"And what deal would that be?" Harrison asked and I continued to look at the questions on my computer screen. "Would you help me find your brother? But for exchange, I will let you out of jail except if you are doing something extremely bad again... Is that a deal?" I said standing up and he smirks at me.

"Deal," Harrison said while one of the men take off his cuffs and he shakes my hand. "Are you going to help your brother out?" I asked and he shakes his head.

"I know that I am his brother, but we hate each other. He used to blame me for all the bad things that he used to do when we were younger. So I would like to see him suffer for once." Harrison said and I usher him over to the other side of my desk so that he can see my screen.

"What's his name?" I asked while bringing a website up containing the villains who have a criminal record. "Harry Vane," He said and I type it in and it reveals his brother. He is 6 feet tall with daggy brown hair and he looks really dirty.

"That's him?" I turned to Harrison and he nods.

"Alright, let's find out more about him."



"What if it's not Harry Hayden?" I asked and Hayden keeps cleaning some dishes at the back. "Who knows, it could be anyone, even me." Hayden says and that quote just chimed in my head again. 'Your friends are the enemy.' Well that is true. Who knows, it could be Hayden who killed my mother. But I know it's not him, but could it be Jack or even Harry? Or even Eret? Or even- Okay! I really need to just keep thinking. Just look through all the clues, then track down the murderer and throw the person into jail.

"Yeah, I guess so. But there are a lot of people out there who could be the murderer that I am suspecting." And that is true. I am suspecting a lot of my friends, but I should be asking them questions about it. "Hayden." I asked and he turned around from the dishes. "Yes milady?" He asked and I started to breathe deeply.

"I know your probably not the murderer, but am I allowed to ask you some questions?"

"Yes, it's perfectly fine..." He mumbled and I bowed my head in disappointment. I really am making this so complicated. "I know I am making this extremely complicated but-"

"Milady, I know what you're trying to do. I am here to support you, so tell me all the questions that you want to know." Hayden says and I smile. He really is a sweet guy to be friends with. "Alright, I can ask you after work if you want."

"Don't worry, we can talk about it now if you want to continue this when you get home." Hayden said as he dries his hands. "Okay... Do you know anything from before my mother was killed?"


"Do you know clues at all from this investigation that I am doing?"


"Did you see anyone come out of the house after the murder?"

"Yes." Hayden said, then I look up at him in shock and I put my book down. "Y-You really?" I said and he nods. "Yes, I did. I don't know who it is but I remember that he had a black hoodie simular to mine when I used to be on missions years ago."

"Who do you reckon it was?" I asked and he continues to think.

"I really don't know milady... I really don't know..." I started to produce the things in my mind until my eyes widen. "Hayden, can you please show me the hoodie?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I'm working remember milady." Hayden reminded me and I sighed fustrated. I remember on the day I saw Jack, he was wearing a black hoodie, which isn't like him. But I could be hallucinating. He could just be wearing that for nothing.

"I think I might know who killed her..." I whispered and he looks at me curious. "Who do you reckon?"

Hey guys! Here is another update for you! Who you reckon killed Astrid's mother? Comment below!


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