Chapter 32: Death Of Crash Henderson?

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While the two boys were heading towards the police station, Ally was standing there, looking at her full reflection in the mirror with her full uniform on, looking at herself, she knows that she is ready to kill her very first person while she is duty. She really is excited since she get's to do what her father did for the very first time. Hearing the yelling, the screaming of the cry of guilt as the man or women dies.  Seeing the blood drip down from where they were stabbed, shot or even cut open. She was ready for this, especially when her father did his very first one with Ally there with her mother. She knew that she could do it. She knew that her first kill will bring cheering to the roof tops for her family legacy.

"Are you ready, officer Hofferson?" Officer Maxwell said walking into the room and she kept looking at her reflection with a huge smile on her face.

"I am ready." She said, before turning around and walking past her colleague heading out towards the front of the police station where hundreds of people are standing there, waiting for this kill to start.

"Good morning everyone!" Ally yelled into the microphone very serious and the loud chattering minimizes. 

"Welcome one and all to the killing of Crash Henderson." Astrid said and a lot of cheers were heard throughout the crowd.

"Today, starts a new life for everyone. When a least another criminal is down for good. Where he can rest in his place that we call a grave. Today, Crash Henderson will be assassinated for what he has done, for his wrong doings, the murders that he has done, the robberies, ect, ect." Ally said while her two friends come running through the crowd, heading towards the front of the audience.

"Please, bring him out," Astrid said while preparing her gun while Hayden and Flynn keep coming closer to the stairs.

"Excuse me, pardon me," They said over and over again, while the teenager comes out in cuffs, his blonde shaggy hair covering one of his eyes, his head looking down showing that he failed to succeed, to show that his life is truly over just by one gun shot.

"Wait!" Hayden yells, which causes a lot of gasps to be heard in the crowd and Astrid looks at her best friend, in shock and in anger.

"Why are you holding me up?" She said angrily and Hayden walks up to her slowly.

"Why are you doing this?" Hayden asked and the officer looks at him, still in anger. She has to do what is right for the community, for her! For her best friend...

"I am doing this for our safety, for everyone in this city!"

"Maybe you shouldn't do that, let him live in jail for the rest of his life!" He yelled out and she sighed angrily.

"Hayden, you need to know that for an officer's duty, the boss can pick which villain can be killed to protect our city. And I am the general!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, leaving everyone in shock, especially Crash. Was Hayden going to save his life?

"YOU COULD JUST LET HIM STAY IN JAIL FOR HIS SENTENCE!" Hayden yells again and the officer looks at him upset, why would he want to save Crash Henderson? All he has done for everyone is kill and scare them. He destroyed buildings, he robbed millions of dollars. Everything else that he had stolen, he had returned, but the millions of dollars were blown.

"Hayden! You know that with my job, I don't change my mind so easily." She said in a serious tone and he chuckles.

"You always change your mind from me, M'lady." He said, smirking widely and she crosses her arms annoyed.

"Your ruining my moment!" She said angrily and he keeps on chuckling.

"Alright folks, I know that you want Officer Hofferson to kill Crash Henderson, but what if it was one of your family members up there? Wouldn't you be heart broken?" Hayden yelled out and a lot of people look at each other and started to give him responses with either nods or yelling out 'yeah'.

"Ally, I know you want to kill him, but his family are extremely upset," He said pointing at the Hendersons family who were either looking at Crash with need or just looking down with tears rolling down their cheeks.

"And what if I don't listen to you?" Ally said crossing her arms.

"Then I will tempt you," Hayden said smirking and she crosses her arms annoyed.

"Yeah right, what tempting are you going to-" Ally said, but was interrupted by Hayden's lips brushing hers, feeling the temptation on his lips, she quickly kisses back while putting her arms around his neck, which had caused a few cheers and whistles from the audience. But with only 5 seconds dispair, Hayden pulled back from her and her face turned into a red tomato.

"Ally, please don't kill him... I am begging you..." Hayden whispered into her ear and she sighed.

"I know it's not fair for him Hayden, but the police have decided that...." She replied to him and the boy sighed sadly.

"Can you please convince them, for me?"

"I'll try.... Only for you........ Only for you...."

[And heres the kiss that you have been waiting for. I know that there was a peck from Ally earlier in the book, but I wanted the kiss to be at the right place, and I reckon it should have been here. But here is your chapter my loves! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Another chapter will be updated very soon!

Foreverhttyd xx]

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