Chapter 30: Answers? Part 2

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My name is..... Crash Henderson." Crash said and a lot of gasps were heard behind Ally.

"Crash?!" Astrid yelled.

"The one and only, don't you blert it out." He said angrily and Ally rolls her eyes in annoyance. "I can say whatever I want, Henderson..." She said close to his face and he chuckles.

"Whatever..." He mumbled under his breath and Ally aims at his head with her gun.

"Get down on the ground and throw the gun away..." Ally commanded the scrawny boy who was smirking at her.

"Why sweet heart..." He chuckled and the police officer growled angrily at him.

"Because I told you too." She yelled and he did exactly what she wanted, but under his lips, he is still smirking.

"I need to ask you a question...." She said and he looked up to her with an innocent face.

"Did you kill Isabella Hofferson?"

"Yes I did..." He said and she starts to cry. She really found him.... Not the way she thought it would be.... This man wasn't even suspected in this investigation, but he did it...

"With the help of Jack of course..." He said and her brows furrowed. Her friend helped the murderer! What?! (Didn't expect that kiddies XD) why would he help him?

"I had reasons to Ally, He threatened to kill my family..." Jack said walking into the scene.

"You still helped him...." She said pointing the gun at her ex friend, ex boyfriend, the trader that is among everyone's mits.

"What are you doing?" Jack said, starting to get nervous and she starts to laugh with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I never should of trusted you when we first met. I hate you Frost... I HATE YOU?!" The officer screamed at the boy and he looked down. He really messed up this time.

"Men, arrest them. We're going to throw them into jail..." Ally said turning around, but she quickly turned around to see a gun being loaded by the man himself, but the surprising thing is that he is pointing it at his partners head.

"If you arrest me, I will kill him..." The boy said and Jacks eyes widen.

"You will be arrested," she said angrily, but looking at the white heads face, it looked like it was in fear, saying that it's not the time to do this.... Not the time for another murder.... Not even to forgive the friendship.... Not even to say goodbye to the memories that were thrown away.....

"Ally, do-" As the boy was about to finish the sentence, there was a gun shot that had been heard all through out the house, leaving Ally there in complete agony, seeing Jacks body fall to the ground, his sparking blue eyes open from the fear, his hair with red all over one side of his head with his body just getting more pale by the minute.

Not even forgiveness from their friendship could save him....

"JACK?!" The blonde screams with tears rolling down her cheeks, one by one.... Splattering on the ground as they left her cheek, just leaving her speechless.... She just lost a very special friend in her life.... Her first lover....

"GET THE GUN OUT OF HIS HANDS AND ARREST HIM!" She orders her men who watched the horror that just took place. They did what she had told them to do and he was standing there with his wrists in cuffs, cuffs of guilt, destruction and murder....

"You won't get away with this Hofferson..." The boy said before being dragged down to the downstairs of the old boys house, being dragged into the police car. But worst of all, she never gotten to say sorry to her best friend.... The one who had been there for her for four years.... Gone.... Gone like a leaf blowing out a tree.

"I-I'm sorry Jack.... I'm sorry!" She mumbled with the tears rolling down her cheeks. She's destroyed inside.... She can't take this anymore.... The pain and suffering.... It's only been hell for this past month.... It will never be the same again in her life.... Never again....

[Oh shit I was nearly in tears when I wrote this chapter, fare welling Jack Frost, I'm so mean 😭 I'm sorry to make you cry... I am really sorry....


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