Chapter 2: To The Airport I Go

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A couple of hours later...


The past couple of hours have been very hepatic for Hayden. He has received his tickets to go to Los Angeles and New York city, his luggage was put into the plane, now all his has to do is get onto the plan before it takes off. 


The past couple of hours have been very hepatic. I have received my tickets for Los Angeles and New York, all I need to do now is get onto my plane, but I don't know which floor it is, well done Haddock... Well done...

"Have you heard about the new police woman in New York, she is a killer! She can catch people in a heartbeat!" I over hear a teenage girl say as two girls walk pass me.

"Yeah I know; I wish I could be like her!" The other girl says and they keep walking the opposite direction from me. There is no way that I can meet her, I haven't really heard of her but it must be on the news lately and in which I haven't seen. 

"Flight 285 please report to the third floor to take your flight, that is all people who are flying on 285 please report to the third floor!" I hear all the speakers announce. I look over to my ticket and that says the exact same number, 285. That must be my plane, and I have to quickly get to the third floor, but it's too crowded to get through everyone. I quickly tried dodging people, going towards the elevator but the crowd just kept getting bigger and bigger by the minute. I feel as if I am going to miss my plane.

"I need to get to my plane, excuse me!" I yell as I keep walking through the crowd, when I noticed someone familiar. Isn't that my cousin Scott?

"Scott! Is that you?!" I yell out to the boy and he turns around with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey Fishbone!" Scott yells as I run over to him.

"Dude, how have you been!"

"I've been alright, but I am trying to get through the crowd to my plane, it's going to leave in about 5-10 minutes,"

"Don't worry, I actually work here, my boss told me to shove people away. But not too hard." He chuckles as he grabs my wrist.

"Alright then, thanks for the help."

"No worries fishbone, but which plane are you going onto?" Scott looks to curious.

"I have to go to 285."

"Alright hang on." Scott starts to shove through the crowd with all his might making me pretty annoyed because he said he wouldn't shove people that hard. He pushed an old couple down onto the ground, he also pushed a young lady and in which she screamed at him and he didn't even apologise to her, and also he scratched someone as he kept going.

"You're an idiot you know that, you hurt about 5 people! You really need to be more careful!" I hissed.

"Don't worry about it, I will probably be fired eventually, but it's worth it now, but quickly go up the stairs, it's quicker and not many people are actually on it," Scott lets go of my wrist and he gives me a soft smile and he walks back into the crowd.

"Thanks for the help..." I mumbled and I started to climb the stairs.


After I climbed up three packs of stairs, I finally made it to my plane area and I run for it because I see that it's about to close.

"WAIT!" I yell out to the staff members who were about to close the plane door. One of them face me and she nods.

"Just wait a minute, we have another passenger coming," She tells the other staff member and she nods.

I quickly sprint into the plane and I pass one of the ladies my ticket, as I try to catch my breath.

"Here is my ticket..."

"Woah! Just bring your breath back, but you may sit down sir." She passes me my ticket and she lets me through and I look around to see where my seat was.

"7A," I mumble to myself. I keep looking on the ground to see the numbers 1,2,3 all the way up to 7 and I see that the window seat wasn't taken. "That must be my seat," I whisper to myself.

"Alright everyone, now listen to the safety rules, if we need to use life jackets they are under the seats...." The lady explains, but I don't pay attention because I start to drift off to sleep.


Hey readers! I need to tell you that on Wednesday if I don't have any homework I will post chapter 3, I have homework and assessment at the moment so I am very busy with school. I am very sorry if you wanted another chapter today but I will maybe update it on Wednesday, if not it will be published on Thursday afternoon to make it up to you.


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