Chapter 7: Meeting Dad After So Long...

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At the prison...

After a 20-minute drive around this busy city, I end up outside of the main prison. I quickly get out of the car and I shut the door as I head towards the entrance of the prison, but I notice that the walls are extremely high, on the top of the prison walls there are barb wire as for on the walls on the outside of the prison has graffiti all over it. As usual, idiots want to just mess up walls.

I quickly grab my ID out of my wallet as I walk in and I am stopped by two police men. "ID please," One of the officers say. I pass him the ID and he looks to his partner in shock. For god sake! People need to stop looking at my surprised today.

"Your Hayden Haddock? The Hayden H-"

"Yes I am the Hayden Haddock, I have surprised by a lot of people today by me being in New York, all I want to do is just see my father if that is permitted here?" I cross my arms pretty pissed.

"Yeah of course, but we didn't know what time you were coming since Officer Hofferson gave us a call not too long ago."

"I went to that police station because I didn't know where to go so I wanted to ask them where this place was, but just to let you know, you really shouldn't be in shock that I am here... because I already have had a crappy day!" I said.

"Well you don't need to worry, because we are letting you in to see your dad even if you can't see them at this time. But this is only once!" Officer Hodgeskin says.

"Alright, thank you very much." I say.

"Can you please stand straight and be in the position of a scarecrow for me." I do exactly what the Officer told me and he started to pat my clothes and body to check if I have any weapons or anything that is irrelevant for this visit (I am not saying it wrongly, this happens all the time in real life).

"Alright then, it's all good you may come in," Officer Hodgeskin says and I give him my usual smile.

"Thank you."

As I walk in, I start to look around the prison and I see every single cage was stored with prisoners and some men I remember from my first mission who were just sitting on their beds. But as for their clothes, they stood out very clearly with the orange jumpsuits that they were wearing and with a number tag on the chests of the suits. One looks up from the ground and he looks to me with his fist clenched up.

"Well Well Well, what do we have here. The little Haddock who has finally returned to say hello after all these years..." Harrison says as he comes towards the bars and I gulp.

"Hi Harrison..." I mumble as I walk past.

"I HAVE A DEAL TO BE DEALT WITH YOU BUDDY! YOU HEAR ME HADDOCK! ONCE I GET OUT I WILL TRACK YOU DOWN AND I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BEAR HANDS!" Harrison screams which causes all the prisoners attention and I look to him in shock. He has definitely gone loopy from the past time I saw him.

"Alright Hayden, lets quickly get to your father before he gets to raged." Hodgeskin says.

"Alright," I say and we quickly speed up our walking and we go towards my father's cage.

"He is right here, but at the moment he is asleep so it's best for you to wake him, not me," He says.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"He just gets very angry when we wake him up." He explains and he crosses his arms.

"Alright then," I walk into the opening cage and I start to poke my sleeping father. "Dad, wake up." I start pushing him when his eyes wake up and he starts to growl angrily towards my direction.

"Woah dad! It's just me! You don't need to worry!" I said.

"W-Wait, Hayden? Is that you?" dad asks.

"Yes it's me dad." A huge smile spreads onto his face and he gives me a huge hug which I return with a few chuckles. "I thought I would never see you again."

"Yeah... me either..."

Hey Hiccupians! I hope you really enjoyed this chapter, yes I know I never say any admin stuff on here, but I want to ask a couple of questions that you can answer. 

1. Is this fan fiction great, good, not good, bad. 

2. Do you want me to update 2 chapters each day or 1?

If you guys want to answer those questions then go for it. I will be updating chapter 8 in about an hour since I am writing it on the 24th, September 2016 so please be patient but be excited. 


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