Chapter 36: Forgiveness

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Your POV:

"M-mom......?" This can't be her! I thought she was dead! I cry even more seeing her.

"My little girl...." She said as she smiled sweetly. She bring me in for her hug. I cried on her shoulder as she stroke my hair and hushes me softly.

"I miss you......" I said.

"I miss you too......" She pulled away and held my shoulders.

I wiped some tears and saw a wound on her chest.


"I may not be alive, but i do have a chance to see you."

"It's my fault for not being there for you!" I cried even more.

"None of this wasn't your fault or even Zack's. Don't blame yourself on this...."

"(Y/N)?!" There was someone calling my name.

"I must go, there is a problem for you to fix. But remember, people can change." Mom kissed my forehead and faded away with light.

I sobbed harder because she left already. I want more time with her. I already miss her.

"(Y/n)......?" I look up to see A

I jumped slightly and start crawling backwards. "S-stay away! Leave me alone! Can't you see i'm a monster!" I yelled.

I hugged my knees again and cry onto them. "No (y/n), you aren't a monster. We were so worried of you after you run off like that. We realized this wasn't your fault. Scarlet was getting to you and you can't control your emotions." I heard him getting closer and felt him hugging me. "We were so worried, that something bad was going to happen to you."

He lifted my chin and wipe some tears away. I hugged him and he soon hugged back.

"I'm so sorry." I said.

"It's ok...."

"DANTE?! (Y/N)?!" The other were calling for us. Dante stood up and helped me up.

"OVER HERE GUYS!!!" Dante yelled as he wave his hand in the air.

Everyone got our attention and ran straight towards me giving me a hug, well exept for Scarlet.

Everyone was saying that they were worried of me or asking me are you ok? Everyone pulled away and Scarlet walked up. Usually her face would be something mean, but she has a sad face on.

"L-look i'm sorry for being mean to you from high school......" She looked down and i was in shock. Scarlet apologizing to me?!

"Wwhhhaaattt?" I ask.

"Your friends told me all the mean things i did to you and i start to realize seeing how selfish i was. Please forgive me."

"I-i, *Sighs* I'll forgive you, someone had told me people can change, but i'm sorry for scaring you...."

"No worries! It's kinda cool to sea a real wolf and velociraptor!"

We hug and this kinda felt weird, but i let it slide. After we pulled away we start walking back to our house.

We showed Scarlet around and, crazy to say this, but i got kinda close to Scarlet. She told me why she was so mean. At the beginning her parents were harsh to her, she was the odd one out in her kindergarten. When High school came around she starts acting like a cool girl or more like a mean girl. She finally realize she's becoming like her parents.

We all sat down around the living room talking and taking the time to know Scarlet. Until Kawaii-Chan screamed,

"LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!!" We had no choice but to agree on this, because she'll just keep whining which is SUPER annoying.

"Scarlet-Sama go first!" Said Kawaii-Chan.

"Ummm ok, (y/n)! Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to......

......Sit on Zane's Lap through out the game!" (Please don't kill me!)

"What?!" Me and Zane yelled.

"I may change, but i could have some little fun Mwuahahaha..." She rubbed her hands together.

Me and Zane both blushed, all the guys kept glaring at Zane or Scarlet.

I sighed and walk over to Zane and sat on his lap.

"Ok! Umm Laurance Truth or dare?"

"Dare! I ain't no chicken!"

"Shut up country boy! I dare you to cuddle with Garroth."

"NOOOOO!!!!" Laurance was pleading on the ground.

"Oh Laurance i'm not that bad!" Said Garroth.

Laurance was making a sick face and was glaring at me. He looked mad, so i'm putting my acting skilled to the test.

"Laurance, why are you so mad at me....*Gasps* Do you not like me...." I start to making sobbing nosies and pretend to cry on Zane's chest.

"W-wai--" Zane cut Laurance off.

"Ohh look what you've done little Laurance. You made her cry." Zane gets what i'm doing.

"No (y/n), i'm sorry. Ugh! I'll cuddle Garroth if that makes you happy."

"Ok!" I look back at Laurance and saw him cuddling Garroth.

I took a picture and set it as my wallpaper.

"I ship it!" I said.

"HEY!" Both Garroth and Laurance yelled. I just giggled.

We all continued this game until the middle of the night. We all decided to watch a movie and we all slept right where we are. Well kinda. Garroth and Laurance were cuddling each other which was cute. I just sneaked upstairs to my room.

I saw Ginger peacefully sleeping on a chair and i just walk up to the window, showing the starry night. I lean my forehead towards the cold glass.

"I miss you....." I whispered. After minutes, i've stayed like this but i saw something glowing beyond the distance. I saw the beach, in the ocen there were like glowing lights in the water. A curious person that i am, i took my coat and quietly run down to the beach.

When i reached to the shore, the lights were still there, but stop.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I jumped and look behind me to see a girl with Marine blue and Aqua gradient hair with sky blue eyes.

"Y-you were doing this?" I ask.

"Yes, my name is Marina. And yours?"


"Hehe nice to meet you. I have powers, very beautiful ones. I have powers of the ocean. I have the control in doing anything to the ocean, hehe some say i'm the goddess of the Ocean but that's crazy! Do you have any powers?"

"I'm a elemental, it's cool to meet someone related." I start to realize how cold it's getting. "I better go, bye!"


I walk back to the house and still see everyone sleeping. I was too tired to go upstairs, so i crashed on a space at the couch.

Hey guys! So Scarlet change, and you sorta made mew friends with Marina! If you want mor leave a vote or a comment.


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