Chapter 3

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Hanna POV

Alison Dilaurentis was everything that I ever wanted to be. And she definitely knew that. I was different back then, when Alison was still here. Let's just say I spent half of every one of my summers in middle school and most of high school in fat camp and the other half eating as much as I could without being physically sick. It made me feel better. I would see Ali, Aria, Spence, and Em, so beautiful and slim with guys and girls practically chasing after them and then there was me 'Hefty Hanna'.

That was the name she gave me. Ali gave lots of people nicknames, there was so many I could never keep track of who was who. But yeah, my best friend, the person I wanted to be like the most, gave me the nickname that I would cry myself to sleep over.

Even though Ali could be the meanest person on the planet, she had two polar opposite personalities. There was the horrible, intimidating, lying and sly Alison most people were familiar with but then there was the sweet, comforting Ali who paid us a visit every once in a while. The Ali who helped me change my life around.

It was a day about half way through the semester before the summer Ali went missing when I was binge eating my sadness away. I was lonely. Spencer was always busy with school, Aria was dating all the guys that were throwing themselves at her, Ali too and Emily was with Ben. I was thinking about how much I hated my life, how no one was ever going to look at me the way I wanted because of how I looked. I really believed you had to be the stereotypical type of high school girl for people to like you, which now I know is wrong. Anyway, I had eaten alot of food and the one person I didn't want to see me like this walked through my back door. I tried to hide the rubbish but Ali knew what I'd been up too. I looked into her gleaming blue eyes and sobbed. I was waiting for the sarcastic nasty comments Ali was famous for but instead she helped me. She hugged me and made me feel okay. That Alison, the Alison that saved me from my sadness and my self hate is the Alison most people never saw. That's the Ali I miss the most, that's the Ali I think of when I remember her. That's the Ali I pray returns to rosewood one day.

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