Chapter two ✨

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" wake that ass up". Amari sat up and looked at me annoyed. I chuckled. " come on you've got an hour to get ready before school start". She didn't say nothing. " I'm serious Amari, if you don't get up I'm going to leave you here and you gonna have to walk".

She rolled her eyes and nodded. " okay then, get out". "Hurry up " I said before walking out of her room.

I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom connected to my room. I got in the shower and washed up real quick and got out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before going back to my room.

I lotioned my body and slipped on some fresh undergarments. I looked in my suitcase and I just put on a long sleeve black crop top, blue washed skinny jeans, and my black timbs. I put my hair in a slick high bun and laid down my edges.

" let's go Mari" Marlon yelled from downstairs. " I'm coming down now". I grabbed my phone and back pack and walked downstairs. " where's mom". I looked at Marlon. He just shrugged his shoulders and walked outside to his car.

" mom!". I got no answer so I just walked outside and got in the car. My brother pulled off fast. " so you ready for your first day of school" he asked.

I shook my head no. " it's not that bad". " yes it is, why I gotta start school right when I just moved here". " that was moms choice, I told her to let you start school next week but she said no". I sighed.

15 minutes later we pulled up to this big school. " welcome to Lincoln high" Marlon said smiling. I rolled my eyes. He pulled up to the front of the school. " I told layla to meet you at the front of the school so she can show you around and you need to go and get your schedule from the office too".

I nodded. " now get out of my car" he said opening the door and lightly pushing me out. " I hate you". " but I love you" he said before pulling off. I just shook my head. I walked inside the school and got hella stares. "Mari" I heard someone yell. I looked up and seen layla running towards me.

" hey girl" she said out of breath. I smiled. " come on let's go get your schedule" she said grabbing my arm. As we were walking she told me some stuff about the school. " we're here" she said standing in front of what looked like the office.

" go get your schedule and I'll be out here when your done". I nodded and walked in the office. I walked up to this lady's desk." Hello young lady" she said. " hi I'm here to get my schedule". She nodded. "What's you name honey" she said while looking through some files. "Amari carter" she nodded.

" okay I found it" she handed me a paper. I looked at it real quick before walking out. " okay lemme see" Layla said. She grabbed my schedule from out of my hands. " we got all the same classes" she said smiling. I smiled back.

Just then the boys who I met yesterday walked up to us. Layla kissed the boy named Dillyn. Well I think that was his name. " wassup Amari" will said. I just waved. " come on girl lets go to class" layla said pulling me with her.

We walked into our first class. Layla finally let go of me and went and sat by Dillyn. " you must be Amari" the teacher asked. I nodded. " you can go sit in between Lucas and Layla" she said. I nodded.

I walked up to the seat where she said and sat down. " okay class get out a notebook and start writing down these questions that's on the board while I go talk to the principal about something" the teacher said before walking out.

Once she left everybody started talking and stuff. " so how you like this school so far" Lucas asked turning my direction. I just shrugged. "Don't talk much do you". I shrugged again. He just looked at me one more time and started talking to Will.

I do talk it's just I'm really shy when I get around people I don't know. Especially someone like Lucas I mean look at him. " Amari " I heard Layla say. I turned and looked at her. " so you like the school" I shook me head no.

"Me ether, the teachers here are bitches and the girls at this school is just some hating ass musty hoes" I giggled. Layla's funny but just really hyper.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed it and seen that my mom texted me.

Mom 👑💕~ hey sweetie. Sorry I wasn't at home this morning to say bye to you

To: Mom 👑💕 ~ where were you anyway?

Mom 👑💕 ~ not important, but have a good rest of the day at school baby I love you 💕

To: Mom 👑💕 ~ I love you too 💓

I shut my phone off and slid it back in my pocket. I wonder why she can't tell me where she was at this morning but I'm not gonna worry about it.
Schools out finally. I walked outside of the school entrance trying to spot my brothers car. "Mari, Mari!" I heard someone yell. I turned on my heel and seen layla walking towards me.

"Hey" once again she was outta breath. "Hey " she looked at me in shock. "You finally talked to me today" I giggled. " Sorry it's just I don't really talk to people I don't know".

"Well you do know me so talk to me more" I nodded. "Well I'll see you later, come over my house sometimes" she said before walking off. I started walking down the sidewalk looking at the parking lot to see if I seen my brothers car but I didn't.

I got out my phone and texted him where was he at but I got no text back. I just shook my head and slid my phone back in my pocket.

"You need a ride" I heard someone say to me. I turned the direction where the voice was coming from and seen Lucas towering over me. "Yea please" he just nodded and started walking to his car so I followed behind him.

We both got in and he started the car and he drove off. I didn't want to say anything so I just kept quiet. I glanced at him and admired his face. His beautiful pink plump lips and his defined jawline.

His curls looked so soft I just wanted to touch them. "Amari" he said softly. I realized that I was staring so I hurried and looked away.

He chuckled. "You like what you see" i giggled. "Can I ask you a question" he asked looking at me. I nodded. "Is this your house" he pointed outside. I realized I was finally home.

"Yea this my house, thanks for the ride Lucas" he nodded. I grabbed my backpack from the back seat before getting out the car.

I waved goodbye and walked upstairs to the porch. I knocked on the door and my mom answered.

She pulled my inside fast. " hey mom" I looked at her awkwardly. "Hey baby, it's so good to see you" she slit her eyes at me. I could smell alcohol on her breath. I looked around and seen bottles of alcohol on the floor empty.

"Are you okay" she was shaking nervously. " I'm fine baby" I nodded and walked upstairs to my room. I don't know why she's acting weird but I guess I shouldn't worry about it... that much.

The characters are in the mm. Hope y'all enjoyed this short chapter 😌 ~ Tatiana

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