Chapter Thirty Seven✨

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"what happened" I said looking around at my surroundings. I was in the hospital hooked up to an IV.

"this morning I found you covered in vomit and passed out girl so I rushed you to the hospital" Layla said.

I looked at my clothing.

"I changed your clothes of course" she said. I just nodded.

Dillyn, Layla, Vier, and Lucas stood at the end of my bed. They did nothing but stare at me.

"oh my god are you okay baby" I heard once my hospital door opened. Marlon and my mom rushed in.

My mom grabbed my face studying it.

"how long have you been sick" she said frowning.

"i'm not sick"

She didn't say anything.

The doctor walked in looking at the crowded room.

"you're awake" she said smiling. I gave her a weak smile back.

"so you're hooked up to this IV because you were very dehydrated which caused you to throw up" she said touching the IV bag. I nodded my head.

"your friend here said that this isn't the first time this has happened" she said pointing to Layla. I shook my head.

"this isn't" My mom said. I shook my head no.

"Amari you have what's called 'hyperemesis gravidarium' which causes you to feel very tired and dizzy. It also makes you have severe morning sickness" she said.

"why would she have morning sickness" Dillyn asked looking at Layla and Lucas.

Lucas looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Amari you're now 3 months pregnant correct" once she said that the conversations had all died down and all eyes were on me.

"pregnant" my mom said.

"you're pregnant bro" Marlon said glaring at me.

I didn't say anything.

"i'll give you all time to process this and i'll be back with your prescription in a few minutes Ms.Carter" she said before exiting the room.

The room fell silent.

"who's the father and does he even know ab this baby" my mom said breaking the silence.

I put my head down shaking it. She sighed. I looked up at Lucas and he was leaving the hospital room making sure he slammed the door behind him.

"well i'm the god dad I already called it" Dillyn said looking at Vier.

9:02 p.m

I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body. I had thrown up so much when I got home that all I wanted to do was just sleep.

As soon as I sat on my bed there was a knock on the door.

"come in" I said.

The door opened slowly and there stood Lucas in the doorway.

He looked down at his hands before looking up at me.

"shut the door" I said grabbing my lotion.

He closed the door and stayed silent. I lotioned my body slipping on a pair of my panties and some shorts.

I went over to my dresser and grabbed a cami putting it over my head.

"why are you here if you're not gonna say anything Lucas" I said sitting next to him on my bed.

"it's mine huh?" he asked still looking at his hands.

I stayed silent for a few minutes.


"why you ain't tell me" He asked finally looking at me.

"because you have another baby on the way and I didn't want to overwhelm you Lucas" I said.

He grabbed my hand squeezing it laying his head on my shoulder.

"what's the real reason why you ain't tell me, I know you so stop lying" He said.

I stood up moving away from the bed. He raised his eyebrow.

"i'm aborting it Lucas, that's why I didn't want you to know" I said looking down at my feet.

"what you say" he standing up.

"I said i'm aborting it" moving farther away.

He backed me into a corner jus towering over me.

"You said you're gonna do what Amari"

"i'm having abortion now move" I said pushing him a little but he didn't move.

"nah that's my seed" he said.

"okay I understand that Lucas but you're not the one carrying it, I am so i'm going to abort it" I said.

He put his arms between me making sure I couldn't escape. He clenched his teeth continuing to stare me down.

"Lucas move cause nothing you say will honestly change my mind, i'm having an abortion and that's final" I said lowering myself so I could get out the way.

Before I knew it he grabbed my arm pulling me back to him.

"I said no Amari, you act like i'm not gonna take of the baby or sum. if it's mine ima be there" he said loosening his grip on my arm.

I shook my head no. "it doesn't matter, you have another baby on the way" I said yanking my arm away from him.

"that doesn't matter. I know for sure that this baby is mine so why would you get a abortion" he said.

"like I said, i'm getting a abortion because I want to Lucas. I'm not ready for a baby right now i'm only 17. And I would like my child to see his mother and father together at least and that's not gonna happen" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"you're not killing my seed Amari" He said looking at me.

"watch me, you can't tell me what to do with my body" I said pushing him out my way.

He put his hand around my throat pushing me into the wall.

"do it, I don't even care anymore but after today i'm done fuckin with you on my mama. don't call or text me about shit Amari" He yelled at me.

"bitch you're the one who cheated on me, I should've been done wit yo dumbass" I said punching him in his chest.

He grabbed my arm and jus looked at me. "well now you really are"

He let go of me and walked towards the door. He looked at me one last time before disappearing down the hall making sure he slammed my door behind him.

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