Chapter nine ✨

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One week later

"Aye Lucas been ignoring me all week" I told Layla as we walked to class.

"Told you girl all niggas is the same" she shook her head.

"But don't worry about it girl cause...." Layla stopped talking. I looked at her and she frowned.

"What's wrong" she shook her head.

"Look" . I looked to where she was pointing and I seen Lucas with his arm around this girl. He kissed her a few times and she walked off.

He looked at me and started walking towards me.

"Let's go" I said. Layla didn't argue. She followed me into the classroom. I could here Lucas calling my name.

I sat in my seat next to Layla and she looked at me.

"You okay?" I looked at her and nodded my head.

She rubbed my back.

"Don't cry mamas, you're gonna mess up your makeup" I wiped the tears in my eyes before they could escape.

I put my head down. I heard Layla talking to someone.

I put my head up and seen her talking to Dillyn.

"Who is that bitch Lucas with" she said. You could here the anger in her voice.

"I thinks it's the broad who he was with before she moved out of town and I guess they was still in a relationship when she got back too" she just shook her head and looked at me.

"I'm here if you need me okay" I nodded.

"I'm coo" I wiped my eyes one more time and shifted in my seat.

"You sure?" Dillyn asked me. I nodded.

"I'm fine I promise". They both hugged me and sat down. I looked up and seen Lucas walk in the classroom. He looked at me and I looked away.

I heard my phone go off. I grabbed it out my pocket and seen that I got a text... from Lucas,

Lucas 😍😩- can we talk after school?

- nah I'm coo 👌🏾

Lucas 😍😩- I'm sorry 😔

- cool 😊

Lucas 😍😩- please?

- no. Matter a fact loose my number Lucas. And don't talk to me ever again.

Lucas 😍😩- but I'm sorry

- yea that's awesome for you Lucas.

After I sent that text and I sat my phone on my desk and sighed.

"What that nigga say, Ima cut him I swear" even though I was pissed off that caused me to laugh.

I handed her my phone and let her read the text messages.

"See Lucas gets on my nerves with his stupid ass, had a whole girlfriend living in another state but wanna do this dumb shit" she shook her head and tossed my phone back to me.

"But are you alright, like be fr Mari" she looked at me with concern in her eyes.

"I'll be alright, I've been through a lot in my life" she frowned and rubbed my back again.

"If Dillyn did that shit to me he gonna wake up with his dick cut all the way off in the bitch mouth" me and Dillyn looked at eachother and both laughed.

"You crazy dude" dillyn said.

"But you love my crazy ass" she said smiling.

"Yea that's true".
"Amari" I heard a familiar voice yell. I already knew who it was so I started speeding up.

"Wait up man" he said but I ignored him and kept walking. I already told him I wasn't trying to talk to him at all.

he grabbed my wrist. I turned around and there was Lucas towering over me.

"Let go Lucas, i already told you that I didn't wanna talk to you " he frowned.

"Just here me out please" at first I was about to keep walking but I wanted to hear his stupid ass excuse.

"I know I was wrong for not telling you I had a girlfriend and I'm sorry, it's just that when I found out you had feelings for me I didn't wanna ruin that".

"Telling me you had a girlfriend wouldn't have hurt me more than I am hurting now".

"I've had my heart Broken by my dad already but I didn't think you would do the same thing to me after all the things I told you" I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Bye Lucas, I gotta go" I turned back around and started walking to my house again. Once I got there I walked inside and there was complete silence which didn't surprise me. I walked upstairs to my bedroom and dropped my backpack down on the floor. I flopped on my bed and just laid there.

Hey y'all 😊. Sad chapter right 😔, I know. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, chapter 10 will be updated soon. I promise - Tatiana

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