Chapter nineteen ✨

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"How long have you been at the hospital" Lani asked over the phone.

"Um probably 5 hours. Marlon and Lucas is here with me though" I rubbed through Lucas curls while he layed on my chest sleeping.

"Good. I wish I was there with you. I'm coming up there soon. I'm so sorry I haven't came up there yet" Lehlani said.

"It's fine. i'll talk to you later lani."

"Okay I love you" she said.

"I love you too" I hung up my phone and put it in my lap. I looked at Marlon. He was just staring at his shoes. "Marlon" his head shot up. He looked at me with his low eyes and a blank face.

"Wassup" he said quietly.

"you okay" he looked at his shoes then back at me.

"Yeah I guess, I'm finna go outside real quick" He said standing up. I nodded my head. I watched him walk down the hall slowly before turning the corner.

I looked down at Lucas moving in his sleep. After doing that for a while he popped his head up and looked around. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. Good he couldn't really see me because of my hood covering my face a little. I bet I look a hot mess right now.

"You okay?" he asked me. I nodded my head. My mom was doing fine right now so overall I'm okay.

He grabbed his phone out his pocket and started scrolling through it. I picked at my nails staying quiet.

"You sure your okay"Lucas asked. I looked up at him then back down again.

"Yeah, I'm jus thinking."

"What you thinkin' bout" he asked.

"Um my life right now" I felt a few tears coming down my cheeks. I wiped my face roughly.

"Come here." I stood up and sat in Lucas lap not facing him.

He grabbed the sides of my arm and turned me so we could face eachother.

"Look at me." I shook my head no. I didn't want him to see me cry. He lifted my head up with his finger. I wiped the few tears running down my cheeks before taking my hood off.

"tell me what you thinkin 'bout. Talk to me." I nodded my head trying to think of what to say to him. It's really hard for me to explain to people how I feel. Maybe I just don't like doing it.

"Um right now I feel very overwhelmed. Like this is to much for me to handle. Sometimes I just want to stay in my room forever because I don't even want to face the world anymore. I just feel like no one understands me. I don't know I'm just really tired Lucas." more tears started coming down my face.

He pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on his chest and cried more. It felt so good to just cry.

"It'll get better I promise. You just gotta pray and be positive. Your mom is strong Mari. We all know that. It just takes time for her to get better. This happening to you will only make you stronger." he said softly. I grabbed his hand that was sitting in his lap and intertwined our fingers together.

I sat back up and looked at him. I pecked his lips and laid my head on his shoulder.

"You tired" he asked me. I nodded my head.

"You wanna go to my house and sleep there or you wanna stay here" I thought about it for a minute before answering him.

"She's doing good so come on" I stood up and so did he. I zipped my jacket and walked up to the window that showed my moms room. She was sleeping still.

"Hold on Lucas" I turned around and looked at him.

"Okay Ima go to the car so just come there when your done" he said before kissing my cheek and walking down the hall.

I went in her room and closed the door behind me. I walked up to her bed and kissed her forehead.

"I love you mama" I said before exiting out her room.


I climbed into Lucas bed and laid my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead and nose before kissing my lips. I smiled before shutting my eyes.

Hey loves. Hope you enjoy this chapter. This is probably the saddest one I ever wrote I think. I know it's short sorry. Just couldn't think of anything else to add in this chapter.

How y'all feel about Lucas and Amari's relationship?

Let me know. And I want y'all to comment more too. I want to know how y'all feel about stuff and y'all opinions. So don't be afraid to comment.

More chapters coming soon I promise! Love y'all.

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