Chapter Seven ✨

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One month later

I kept walking and walking until I reached my house but just as I was about to walk in I heard yelling. I turned toward the direction I heard it at an seen lucas and some lady yelling at eachother.

"Allé Lucas" she semi yelled. I don't know what she was speaking but he understood her cause he didn't say anything back. He just started walking down the street. As shy as I am around Lucas I wanted to make sure he was okay so I jogged over to him but he didn't notice me at first.

"Lucas" he turned around and looked at me. He walked over to me and I can tell he was frustrated.

"Wassup Mari" he said not looking at me.

"I seen what happened, you okay" he nodded but I can tell he wasn't telling the truth.

"Tell me the truth, what happened" he sighed heavily before telling me.

"I'm just having a few problems with my pops and mama, that's all" I nodded.

I wonder what really happened though.

" so now I don't even know if I got a place to sleep tonight".

Now I didn't even know how to help that situation. My mama would kill me if she seen a boy in our house besides my brother but I mean she never at the house. She always gone.

"You can stay at my house for now, but you'll have to leave in the mornings" he nodded.

"Walk with me please" he said looking down at me. I mean how could I say no to him.

"Alright" we started walking down the sidewalk. We ain't speak to eachother. We just walked in silence until he broke it.

"I like you Amari, a lot" we stopped walking and he looked down at me. I looked up at him and I slightly smiled.

"I like you too, that's why I was always shy around you" he chuckled.

"That's why you always acted like you didn't like me or didn't wanna talk to me" I nodded. He laughed again.

"I was starting to think that you would never like me" I giggled. We both stopped talking and looked at eachother. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back instantly. After like a minute we both pulled away and smiled at eachother.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and seen that it was 7:30. I need to go home right now.

"I gotta go home like right now or Ima get in trouble" I slid my phone back in pocket and looked up at him.

"You still got a curfew" he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded. My mom still expect me to be home at a certain time when she barely be at home.

"Ight I'll walk you home" he started walking but I didn't move.

Once he noticed I wasn't by him he turned around and looked at me.

"What's wrong now" he said laughing.

"My feet hurt".

"But they still work"

I tried not to laugh but that was funny.

"Lemme get on your back" he looked at me and laughed.

"You funny dude" I frowned.

"Pretty please" he shook his head no and turned around and started walking.

I caught up to him and hugged him from behind.

"Please" he sighed. I let go of him and he bent down to my level.

I hopped on his back and laid my head on his shoulder. I took in his scent.

"You smell good" he chuckled.

"Thanks but I can't say the same about you" I hit him on his head and he laughed.

"I'm just playing".

After like 10 mins we was at my house. He let me down.

"I'll be here around 11" I nodded.

He pecked my lips and walked off. I smiled and walked back inside.

"Mom" I yelled. No answer.

"Mama!" I still ain't get no answer. I shrugged and just went upstairs to my room. I took my hoodie off and put on a long t-shirt and some shorts and got in bed.

For some reason I was tired. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to loud knocks coming from downstairs. I hurried and got out of bed. I put my hair up in a high pony tail and walked downstairs.

The knocks was getting louder and louder. I looked through the peep hole but the person was covering they finger with it. The knocking still kept getting louder and louder. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I walked back to the door and opened it. There stood Lucas.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him inside. "What is wrong with you" he busted out Laughing.

"You grabbed a knife and everything".

I nodded and he laughed once again. He had a backpack on his back and his phone in his hands. I went back to the kitchen and put the knife away.

When I came back Lucas was gone. I didn't feel like finding him so I just went upstairs to my room. When I got upstairs he was laying in my bed with his eyes close.

"Get off my bed nigga" he laughed and got up slowly.

"The guest bedroom down the hall to your left" he nodded and kissed my cheek before walking to my bedroom door.

"Goodnight Amari" he said winking at me and blowing me a kiss before walking out my bedroom. I giggled to myself. I turned my light off and climbed back in my bed.

Hey y'all ❤️. Sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I just had writers block but I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. I'll update chapter 8 tomorrow or by next week 😊😘- Tatiana 💜

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