Chapter Twenty three ✨

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"Happy birthday Boo!" I yelled walking into Layla's room.

She walked out of her bathroom smiling.

"Thanks love" she said hugging me. She grabbed the shopping bags outta of my hands setting them down.

"Okay now I gotta outfit in my closet for you to wear so come hurry up and get ready" she said before running back into the bathroom.

I walked over to her closet looking in it.

"I know that you not talking bout this black bralet and red pencil skirt Girl."

She came out the bathroom laughing at my facial expression.

"yes I am with these shoes" she held up black heels that you tie around your legs.

I shook my head no sitting on her bed.

"please, I bet Lucas would love to see you in it" she said cheesin. I shook my head no again.

"Girl I don't care what he want to see me in, I'm not wearing that" I said looking at it again.

"Okay, if you wear it we can go get our nails and toes done together and i'll pay for it" she pleaded on.

I put my hand on my chin as if I was thinking bout it.

"Okay I will" I said standing up.

She smiled walking back into the bathroom.

"Okay did you shower already" she yelled.

"yes" I closed her bedroom door making sure Lucas and dillyn don't come in.

I took off my sweatshirt and jeans putting on the skirt.

Once I got to the bralet I realized it was lace.

"Won't my nipples show?" I asked Layla while holding it up.

"You ever wear a bralette before girl" she yelled.

"Stop yelling girl we're in the same room and no I haven't" I said.

"Well you don't wear a bra with it of course and no your nipples won't show that much" She said whispering the last part.

"I heard that."

I put it on looking in the full body mirror. It was cute but just not my style. And like she said you could kind of see my nipples.

"come here and let me see" Layla said.

I walked in her bathroom showing her.

"Aww you look so cutte. Now come on and let me do something to your hair" she said making me sit down on the toilet seat.

She took my hair outta the bun it was in and plugged in her flat iron.

"now don't be burning me" I said as she picked up the flat iron.

"I won't now anyways I got something to tell you."

"okay go head".

"So today Dillyn gave me a promise ring" she said smiling.

I smiled back. "Aww lemme see" She showed me her finger.

"It's cute."

"But..." She stopped talking when she heard her bedroom door open.

"Nah nigga you had them not me" Dillyn said arguing with Lucas.

They stood in the door way looking at us.

"dis what's taking y'all so long" Lucas said sighing.

He looked me up and down biting his lip.

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