Chapter twenty one ✨

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"oooou yes girl you looking cute today" Layla said grabbing my hand to spin me around.

I smiled doing a few poses. I was only wearing some jeans and a regular t-shirt but maybe she was referring to my makeup or something.

"who you trying to look cute for" I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see Tianna with a couple of girls.

"why you worried about it love. You still pressed about that Lucas issue."

She rolled her eyes studying my face.

"he won't want to be with you for long boo. I know you not going to give it up so he'll come running back to me." I glared at her as she smiled.

"Lucas is mine baby. He's been mine way before you came strolling around after your dad got locked up."

I gave her a puzzled look. How did she find that out.

"Oh you didn't think I knew did you. He use to hit on yo mama huh. Then you and yo brother too. You deserved it you lil bitch" she said laughing.

I sighed. I looked at Layla then back at my surroundings. I could see Lucas coming around the corner. He stopped walking and gave me a confused look.

I looked back at Tianna before grabbing her hair pulling her down to the ground.

I got on top of her sending blows after blows to her face as she kicked her legs.

"Don't ever speak on shit you don't  know about" I yelled still hitting her. Her nose was spilling out blood as she screamed.

Before I could hit her more I felt someone pull me off of her. I looked up to see Lucas.

"Get off of me" I spat at him before walking into the main office to hear my consequence.

I sat in one of the chairs looking at my bruised bloody hands. The blood was hers of course.
I laid in bed thinking about what happened today.

"you deserved it you lil bitch" was all that kept replaying through my head.

I'm suspended for a week now and Marlon said I couldn't go no where. Of course he didn't give me a chance to tell him what really happened.

The door to my room opened and I sat up. Lucas was standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

"So you mad at me or something" he said frowning.

I smiled shaking my head no.

"Of course not. I guess I just had a lot of adrenaline at the time."

He smiled pretending to wipe sweat off his forehead.

"you can come sit down if you want."

He nodded his head walking more into my room.

He took his timbs off sitting them against the wall.

He sat his phone down on my dresser and climbed into my bed.

He laid in between my legs holding onto my waist.

"what's wrong with you. Why you acting like this?"

He shrugged his shoulders looking up at me. His eyes were very red indicating he was high.

He smiled at me before laying his head back in the position it was in.

"what happened with you and Tianna today" he said still keeping his eyes close.

"She came up to me talking bout how my 'dad' use to abuse me and stuff" he nodded not saying nothing.

He looked up at me again before laying his head back down.

"I want you to know from now on that i'm yours Amari. Even if we not officially together. Don't be listening to what Tianna ass got to say ight."

"Same for you love."

For a few moments it was very quiet until he broke it again.

"okay let's talk bout something else" he suggested.

I laughed. "like what."

"ion know, jus tell me somethin I don't know."

I laughed shaking my head.

"alright you go first" I said pullin on one of his curls.

"Ight, well I got a little brother" he said.

"oh my gosh why you ain't tell me Lucas."

He shrugged his shoulders. "his name is Damase. He's around sometimes but he live wit my dad so ion get to see him like dat."

I frowned keeping quiet.

"ight your turn" he said changing the subject.

"Uhh well how do i put this. ima virgin" I said kinda quietly. I looked down at him and he was smiling with his eyes still remaining closed.

"why you smiling?" I asked.

"Cause, I was hoping i'd be ya first" he said.

I smiled still playing in his curls.

"okay your turn Lucas."

"ightt but dis my last one cause ain't nobody finna make a game outta dis shit" he said chuckling.

I smiled waiting for him to say something.

"ight I got something you don't know...." he sat up turning to face me.

"When I first met you, I ain't like you" he said laughing a little.

I rolled my eyes punching him in the chest.

"aye don't hit me, and it's not my fault. You was very shy and never wanted to talk to me. I ain't like that shit" he said kissing my cheek before standing up.

"okay well when I first met you I thought you were very very ugly" I said crossin my arms over my chest.

He smiled shaking his head.

"On the first day of school I gave you a ride home remember" he asked. I nodded my head.

"The whole car ride you was staring at me. And ion think you was staring cause you thought I was ugly ether" he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes keeping my smile to myself. He bent down getting in my face.

"It's ight. I was looking good dat day wasn't I" he said before pecking my lips.

He stood back up studying my face.

"you can't stay mad at me forever little girl" he said before grabbing his keys and phone off my dresser.

"That's where you wrong but anyways where you going?"

"to get some food. I got the munchies but i'll be back."

"okay bye ugly. i'll text you what I want."

"okay little girl " he said winking.

Hey y'all I really like this chapter lol. Anyways I hope y'all enjoy dis chapter. My last chapters have been kinda boring ik but some good stuff will be coming up soon.

Chapter twenty two will be released soon my loves. Now enjoy 😘.

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